Wednesday, October 11, 2006


So, more or less working full time nowadays... Not anything I have studied for or so, but it's ok and it pays me bills (and more) so that's pretty cool, never think I have actually worked this much in my life.. The nice people at challenge realised I was to soft to do any hard labour work, so they sent me to where I am no, Recall. I'm running around picking up and storing backup tapes that people send to us to store for a while.

But.. yeasterday I felt like doing something a bit different.. I wanted to buy two CD's! And, this may come as a surprise for some, I wanted to get the latest Muse cd and the latest Eskimoe Joe (dunno how to spell that), but then, they are both kinda main stream nowadays, heard the Muse single, whatever it's called, on the way to and on the way from growth group.. On 96.5 at that!

Anyways, what I was trying to say is, I went down to the city to buy CD's (after deciding against going and getting a haircut as I wanted those CD's), but decide to head in to Big W to buy some stuff first, so, in I go, buy my stuff I do, paying and leaving.. BEEEEEEEEP!!! So the cashier girl just hands my stuff through the beeping thing and it doesn't beep.. (which was pretty weird). Anyway, I go out from Big W, and decide to put my newly bought stuff in my bag and taking my jacket out, which I do, using some table in the food court. After that, heading down to Woolies, where it beeps when I go in... Happily walking around and getting my stuff, line up in the que, decide to take out my wallet.... which isn't there... Running up to Big W again (Beeps when I go out....) But they are closed, but manged to get the attention of some dude, but didn't do me any good as my wallet wasn't there. Down to Woolies again, maybe I put my wallet in my basket.. Didn't. But, I meet Rachel that lends me money so I can buy food, again I must say that friends are good to have... Oh, forgot to say that the alarm beeps when I enter woolies again.. And it beeps when I leave.. So, off to the police and reporting my lost wallet, and then home to check through my bag. Didn't find my wallet, but did find that the cashier chick at Big W forgot to take of one of those beeping things from my stuff.... (which also means I can't use it.. being two boxers tied together with this metal thing, nor can I go back to Big W and say "Hey, I have this pair of boxes here.. they have this beeping thing on them, I can't use them as they have that.. Recepit? No, I lost my wallet...")

But, such is life.. Going to Straddie on the weekend!!! And to bed now...

Until the end


Anonymous said...

Wow, what a drama. I'm surprised by the fact that even though you set of the beeper a few times, noone thought you looked dodgy & accused you of shoplifting. :)
I'll repeat my self again- I told you that you need to chain your wallet & mobile to yourself.
Nath was kinda right - this blog was more interesting when it was edgy & contraversial, just don't make it contraversial about particular people.
I'll make a list of contraversial topics you can discuss (suggestions):
- Why do old people go shopping on the weekends? They have all week to go.
- Obesity in children - Why don't parents by their kids tredmills instead of playstations?
- Do blondes really have more fun? or do they just find stupid things more amusing than more intelligent people... Sorry Matt

I'm only joking here - but hopefully it'll improve your blog

Anonymous said...

update your blog you lazy git.