Wednesday, March 14, 2007


Hi, oh-gifted-with-above-average-intelligence-blog-reader, how has (or should it perhaps be have? my grammar is as useless as my sawing abillity [dunno if that actually tells you much unless you know how good i'm at sawing {ok, you could extrapolate and say that, as my grammar is crap, my sawing ability would be crap as well, but that would be to turn my supporting statement around on itself, which would make the statement rather useless, unless I wanted to explain to you how useless I am at sawing...} which I doubt that you do] guess there should be something here to justify my use of paranthesies..) your day/week/month/year/life been? I hope it has been splendid and that everything you touch turns to gold (figuratively, we all know I could say that it would be very annoying if everything you touched would turn to gold, but hey, your an OGWAAIBR so you'll know that already, so I won't insult you by saying it (just, not so, briefly mention that I could have, had I held you in such high esteem).

Anyways (one of my favourite words that, together with my current favourite "gosh", although "anyways" have been on that list longer, and will probably outlast "gosh") I guess I should write something that justifies the title I wrote, that is, something about marriages...


hmm, intended to give you Encyclopaedia Britannica's definition of marriage and then talk about all the people I know that currently are going to get married... But no, that is not so fun (and it may be a contientious (?) issue as well, but, there are two types of marriages I will give you the definition for...

Morganatic Marriage:

legally valid marriage between a male member of a sovereign, princely, or noble house and a woman of lesser birth or rank, with the provision that she shall not thereby accede to his rank and that the children of the marriage shall not succeed to their father's hereditary dignities, fiefs, and entailed property.

Must say I kinda like this one, if I ever get married I definitely will make sure my marriage will be a morganatic. I mean, just think of the problems I avoid, there's no way my wife will marry me just to clime up to my lofty social hights, nor will she marry so that her children will later overthrow me and (with her as their "advisor") manage my huge and wealthy fiefdom!

But, if one doesn't much like women and think they are to much effort and they don't last long enough... Well, then a tree marriage may be something to go for:

symbolic marital union of a person with a tree that is said to be infused with supernatural life.

The good thing with a tree marriage, is that it has multiple purpouses.. Not only can you get married to a big green thing that is infused with supernatural life and will carry your legasy for the next couple of hundred years.. No, if you by some reason change your mind and really really want to marry a widow (dunno if you can marry a tree whose former husband died) you can quite happily do so (provided you chop down your tree)

Tree marriage may also be a form of proxy marriage. In one such practice, between a bachelor and a tree, the tree was afterward felled, thereby endowing the man with the widower status required to marry a widow

Pretty good thing hey?

Told you before I wouldn't say anything about people I know getting married as it was boring.. I lied, filthy habit I know, but just cant help it every now and again..

Must mention that my dear friend Nathan "Smelly" Campbell is getting married to his Robyn. And, yours truly have been asked to help groom him on his very special day, yours truly feel quite honored (but is at the same time somewhat worried that he will somehow manage to miss the ocation, as, from experience, that is what he's done with every other wedding he should have attended to the groom in some fashion...) that he's deemed worthy to do such a thing.

That is not all I have to say today, but it is probably all that you can be bothered to read, and all I can put on "paper", no, lied again.. just a thing that popped up in my head, words in relation to intelligence.. Now, some people may think that someone that can use many words would be intelligent, but, this is my thought, wouldnt someone that is pretty intelligent only have to use very few words to say the same thing as a not-so-intelligent person would need heaps of words for?

Until next time!


While searching for some image relating to marriage... apparently there are marriage agencies.. Wonder if they do morganatic marriages? Check out this site if your ready to get married!


Anonymous said...

What if I don't speak Russian? Do they speaka de English?

Did you know the mail order bride originated in Australia? According to a show on ABC2, when the First Fleet arrived here in 1788, there was such disorder due to the lack of women in the colony that Arthur Phillip sent an order back to the powers-that-were to send out a boatload of convict women to help set up the new colony...

Richie said...

LOL mattias, good work, an interesting read :-)

Matt M: whatthe?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...