Wednesday, December 20, 2006


So, first blog in a while this, so figure nobody will read my blog (although young Nathan said he checked it every now and again, so Hi to you Smiley!)

Anyways, apologises for being lazy and not having updated this in ages.. Haven't really had anything to say and no time (spending my lunch break writing this), but today I had an interesting discussion with one of the guys at work. We were discussing (not for very long mind you) why some people celebrate Christmas on the 25th while others on the 24th. So, me then thinking we celebrated Christmas becasue the birth of Jesus thought that maybe there was some confusion with the date or something.

So, did some research (google search..) to find out which of the two days the big man was born.. Turns out he was born sometime between 6.30 and 7.30 pm, on the 13th of September 3BC (atleast acording to this dude [although he's not alone, if your not convinced, do some more research]). What about that? Somewhat mind blowing for me.. And he then goes on and says why we do celebrate christmas the 25th.

In the late 4th century, in early 380 AD, Pope Damasus I was
endeavoring to force allChristians in the Roman Empire to yield to his
authority. He got the Emperor to issue anedict requiring them to practice
the religion of Rome. We know that it is about this timethe
Christmas midnight Mass was first celebrated and December 25th first identified
as aCatholic holy day. It is said Damasus was seeking to lure the people
away from paganrites honoring the birth of the sun god at midnight by compelling
Catholic attendance at amemorial in honor of Christ's death, ie the Mass. The
people confused this Mass with thepagan solar birth rituals conducted at that
same time. Gradually, the Christ-Mass becameassociated with the

So, basically were celebrating the birth of some sun god.. And here I'v always been told at church that so few people now adays know why we really celebrate christmas.. We'll guess they where correct in that, but somehow I don't think they ment that we had forgot about the sun god...

Anyways, next year, Jesus, I'll be celebrating your birhtday on your actual birthday! Time to reclaim Christmas people! Give the 25th (or 24th) to Coke and Santa, and let's celebrate 13th of September (which should be a bit easier as there doesn't seem to be much on around then)

Anyways, hope you'll have a fun Sunmas and get muchos presents and really get into the spirit of things (spending the day in the sun at the beach!)