Wednesday, March 18, 2009

I'm pretty darn awesome

Is that (the Title of this blog) ever a thought that lingers in your mind, dear enlightened and brilliant reader? If it is, well, you don't need to read this anymore, if not, continue reading as I have the perfect cure for it: Walking, Noise Cancelling (or at least limiting) headphones, Steel cap boots, sun glasses and some agressive music.

If your not entirely convinced just yet.. well, wait and I'll tell you why you should be.. (if you are convinced already you may stop reading now).

To convince you, I'll take a subject, a random subject, someone of rather average awesomness, although full of humility and brilliance. Someone with his head tightly screwed onto his shoulders, someone who bragging is as far away from as the second most fartherest sun, someone not awesome, but everything else, someone, just like... ME!

So, this is me then, writing this, not being biased or anything, just accurately been describing myself (I bet you for a while thought I were talking about you, silly reader, with your head all up in the pink fluffy clouds with rabbits on them [eating violet ribboned carrots {with artificial hummus flavour}].

Anyways, before I get carried away onto some tangent (which I'm not usually inclined to do, they are all perpendicular things routes filling out the ever important background story you probably don't know, and probably don't need to know, but that I [being such a nice guy] graciously enlighten you about) about goosebumps and their relation to tennis rackets, let's move on to the story.

So, picture, Me, with a pair of Sun glasses, Steel cap boots (rather worn, ankle high lazeups), black pants, shirt, noise cancelling headphones cutting you and most other noise making things around me, angry music pumping in my ears.. In short, picture perfect twat coolness.

Then I walk (slowly and meassuredly) down the street, minding my own business, listening to brillinat lyrics like "Now you wanna know, you want a name, You wanna call me motherfucker". and "I am a little more provocative then you might need,It's your shock and then your horror on which I feedSo can you tell me what exactly does freedom mean,If I'm not free to be as twisted as I wanna be" growing in stature and coolness as I go, looking at all you squirrels running around..

That, my dear reader friend, is when you just KNOW your pretty darn awesome (although everyone else probably do think you look like a twat (although only one of the definitions...), but who cares? Everyone else are just jealous that your so awesome...

So, there you go, if your not feeling to awesome, you know what to do, if your feeling to awesome most of the time, well, it's probably because you have been reading this blog...

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Everyday Revelations

Buenos Dias dear reader (if you exist, rather probable that you don't as I'll never get any comments. Not that I am a particularly frequent blogger of course, a tad lazy I am. But, no, not lazy, just not having enough about nothing to fill up a blog.. Ah, no, I always have a lot of nothing to say.. So lazy, gotto be lazy) in this blog we'll have a look at a thing that hits me every now and again:

Everyday Revelations! (ok, somewhat lost the thunder there by revealing the subject in the title... but pretend you didn't read it)

Now, everyday revelations may not mean all that much to you, or maybe it does, but unfortunately it means the wrong thing.. Either way, I will soon be clear to you what everyday revelations are..

Imagine for a second (or a bit longer, depends how good you are at imagining things) that you are walking down the street, listening to your iPod (or similar) thinking about your nightly plans, what a %%#&^%&^% Double-X at work is, how ignorant Double-Y are (about you and those shoes) and so on and so forth. Now, when your walking, your looking up and see that there is a blue sky, but not entirely blue, there are a bunch of clouds in the way. And suddenly you just realise how amazingly cool those clouds look, the interplay between the sky and the clouds. The way the clouds move over this perfectly blue sky. They way both sky and clouds reflect on the skyskraper (and how amazing a feat it is that skyskraper!). This my dear reader friend, is an everyday revelation.

It is when you notice something mundane (one could call it mundane revelations) that you take for granted, but this time you acutally notice it, and marvel at how awesomely cool it is how hard it would be to replicate etc.

Now, these mundane revelations aren't limited to skies and clouds, they can be anything. You could notice that your celing is painted green, your dog has a peculiar way to wiggle his tail when he sees you, there is a view from your back deck.. Anything goes!

Let me know if you've had a mundane revelation lately

Until next time