Thursday, February 15, 2007

Under Construction

Must apologize for the ordinary looking layout of this blog at the moment... It is being upgraded, and as I'm in the (no to brilliant) habit of starting things with great enthusiasm, but quickly running out of this initial enthusiasm, well, it may take a while for it to get they way I want it (long sentence this as well, sorry about that to!!!)

Anyways, last day at Recall yesterday, a bit sad actually, started to think I was good at what I was doing there.. But, life goes on and I'm looking forward to starting at QR on Monday (a not so lengthy report will follow after my first week or so).

Oh, water.. have you ever though been without water? Now were not talking about you being thirsty or something like that, now we talking about water not coming out of your taps! Silly council have decided to shut down our water between 8 and 1 today and last Friday.. Ok, not a big problem if your at work, but today I'm having the day of and was thinking about doing all sorts of things... So started by mowing the lawn, and well, after you mowed the lawn you kinda want to have a shower before you go around talking to bankers and stuff.. And you want to brush your teeth as well.. Maybe wash your clothes (well, that may not be necessary to go to the shopping center, unless you have no clean clothes at all), water your plants (important...) and so on and so fort..

And when your moving room, well, you want to clean the new room your moving in too, and for that you need water...

Anyways, this was just a post apologizing for the state of this blog..

Friday, February 09, 2007

The meaning of the world

Interesting title, pretty catchy I think, kinda telling you that this post will answer one of the biggest ever mysteries of the world.. Why does it exists! Now that is exactly what this post will (not) do.. It will give you an (swiss cheese type) explanation of why this world as we know it exists ..

Oh, a little warning, this post is is somewhat of a religious nature (and if you don't know your theology you may not want to continue reading any more [Maybe you should read the random joke on the right hand side?])

The reason why the world exists (was created)

Ok, so, the theory goes that there where heaps of Angels in heaven, attending to God, worshiping him and doing all sort of things they where created to do. Things went well for a while but then one of the angels, called The Morning star, being one of the highest of the angels, being the one that lead the worshiping (musical) of God and basically being the second highest chap around the place, got proud and though he should be God. Now that didn't sit well with God as he's God, and nobody else is, so God kicked him out. Now as he was such a high chap up there he naturally had some allies (albeit not the brightest once), and as he was responsible for music, the musical angels where the ones closest to him. So, when God kicked him out he brought about a third of the angels with him, and most of those where musicians.

So, now God has a dilemma, he's kinda fond of music, but most of his musically gifted angels have gone to a warmer place.. So, how to make some musicians? And make sure they are good and won't rebel?

Idea, create a place where we have a bunch of creatures (people) that he'll give the opportunity to choose whether or not they want to serve him during their "lifetime" and also cull out the musically talentless? That way he'll get servants that choose to serve him and can fulfill their role, in addition to that, as they have already chosen to serve, he can make it impossible for them to rebel later.

So, viola! The universe as we know it is created and were put in it.

Unfortunately people got tricked by the guys who went before (in addition to not being very smart) and everyone rebelled against God. But, God, being very very smart, already had a contingency plan, Jesus, so, not only did Jesus go to earth, and died for everyones sins (which made it possible to fill up heaven with musicians) but he also managed to beat the previously fallen angels (plus a few other things).

So, in short, this world is created so that God can get some gifted and committed musicians, so, if your not a gifted musician, when you get to the entrance to heaven and Saint Peter tells you to pick an instrument of your choice, and play a tune... Well, you better make sure you have rehearsed a piece then, don't you?

So, what say you? Oh gifted-with-above-average-intelligence blog reader, do you buy into this ridiculous theory?