Thursday, February 15, 2007

Under Construction

Must apologize for the ordinary looking layout of this blog at the moment... It is being upgraded, and as I'm in the (no to brilliant) habit of starting things with great enthusiasm, but quickly running out of this initial enthusiasm, well, it may take a while for it to get they way I want it (long sentence this as well, sorry about that to!!!)

Anyways, last day at Recall yesterday, a bit sad actually, started to think I was good at what I was doing there.. But, life goes on and I'm looking forward to starting at QR on Monday (a not so lengthy report will follow after my first week or so).

Oh, water.. have you ever though been without water? Now were not talking about you being thirsty or something like that, now we talking about water not coming out of your taps! Silly council have decided to shut down our water between 8 and 1 today and last Friday.. Ok, not a big problem if your at work, but today I'm having the day of and was thinking about doing all sorts of things... So started by mowing the lawn, and well, after you mowed the lawn you kinda want to have a shower before you go around talking to bankers and stuff.. And you want to brush your teeth as well.. Maybe wash your clothes (well, that may not be necessary to go to the shopping center, unless you have no clean clothes at all), water your plants (important...) and so on and so fort..

And when your moving room, well, you want to clean the new room your moving in too, and for that you need water...

Anyways, this was just a post apologizing for the state of this blog..


Anonymous said...

Whooo, new blog design!

Yuri said...

Hi! I got here through msn space. You've got a good sense of humor in writing. Feel sorry about no shower due to the water restriction. We all know we need to save water, but I hate the feeling of stickiness after hard work and not able to wash.