Thursday, July 17, 2008


If you, dear reader, happen to be an attractive cool youngish, non married, woman that have the completely inaccurate view that I’m radiating coolness and awesomeness you don’t have to read this blog entry. Not that it in any way or form would make you realise, eh, come to the false belief, that I not, in fact, radiating coolness and awesomeness. No no, nothing of the sort, just wouldn’t be a post that you’d find particularity interesting to read, it would be a waste of your time, really.

So, now when all the attractive cool youngish, non married, women have gone of to do something much more interesting that won’t make them realise ($#@!%$@#!%) come to the false conclusion that I’m not radiating coolness and awesomeness we can get on with the main message of this blog post. Namely the thing mentioned in the title: Radio

Radio, I’m not sure if your entirely aware about, is this thing that you put in your car (or a few other places) that magically transforms things some people call radio waves (totally stupid I think, as a more obvious name for them would be ‘incredible magic packages of sound’ or ‘imps’ for short, which is what I’ll be calling them from now on [is i use the term, which I wont]) and outputs various sounds that you can listen to, if you want [one would hope that if you didn’t want to listen to it you’d turn it of, but that would be to much to ask?]. So, now that we have established what ‘Radio’ is we can move on (oh, forgot to mention that there are someone somewhere that gives the original sound stuff to the imps [ooups, I lied before] and that what they give them is what the imps [again..] will deliver to your radio) away from the side tracks and head back to the main line..

Radio, I listen to it mainly when I’m in the car (except when I need to record someone playing piano in some competition, or when I try to setup my amp with the radio station just because it can do it) and I’m going somewhere (like to the shops [or home when I have been to the shops]) and I usually like to listen to something that makes my ears happy (my brain is usually rather disconnected, eh, like in a good way, as it’s focused on driving safely, not thinking about stuff, like space ships, and cool swords, and jumping from great heights and landing coolilly on roofs, and rescuing people that are getting treated badly). Because my (or rather my dear [somewhere else located] friend Mike’s) car doesn’t like being alone for long periods of time and sulks by discharging the battery, I need to disconnect it when I leave it, the 88.7th imp will always be the first one to deliver a message to me. Usually his message is a bit dodgey, so I quickly try to change (by walking backwards) to see if any of the other imps are delivering anything better.

But, usually they aren’t, lets illustrate with an example.

It is Wednesday (22:00) and I’m driving home. (I skipped the first imp this time as betsy didnt have to be alone for very long) And what I have to listen to is ‘Short Fast Loud’ - wow! Next! ‘Justin Timberlake givaway competition’ Next! ‘Annoying guy speaking about things he knows nothing about, but pretends to be really smart and


cool’ Next! ‘Piano piece by some guy who either lived 400 years ago or have a name you can’t pronounce’ Next! ‘Ricky Martin’ Next!

And there, after Ricky Martin, it is, 98.9FM, Brisbane’s best Country Music Station! The gem in the drain. The needle in the haystack. The avocado among celery. The ray of light in the Dark Tower. The silk for my ears.

??????!! You may now think, but no, don’t think that, think ‘Wow! I have to check it out!’ because if you think about it, how often do you listen to country normally? (hopefully you’ll answer something like ‘Every time I feel like having my kidneys removed’) And you’ll notice that it is, in fact, the only channel worth your time. (Not entirely watertight logic, but every great work starts with a patch..)

So, as I’m very tired and have to go to sleep, try it out (if you don’t live in Brisbane you may be in trouble, but check their website out [] and see if there are hope for you) and tell me that it wasn’t like the softest silk to your ears (bear in mind that I’m not talking about your mind here)..

Oh, and you don’t need to thank me for opening up this new world of silky, imp delivered, goodness.

For a greater, and silkier, listening

# Facebook sucks Blogger is quite good with html commands…

A lot of whingeing and more whingeing

So, a new blog as opposed to my old one (that is rather dead, or rather, slumbering, as it’s still there, being it’s usual self, but quite, oh so quite []) and new is good you know. Although not always, as old wine is better than new wine, if you select the right one that is. An old white wine isn’t particularly good, or so I’m led to believe, which doesn’t mean that that is the case as I’m pretty easily led to believe stuff (this would be when I use an illustration about when I have been easily led astray, but luckily I have a safety mechanism built in, namely forgetfulness, my mind remembers things “for a very limited time only ($3.95/min)”. Which sometimes comes in handy, but unfortunately it’s not always good, such as when you want to remember an illustration, which I didn’t in the previous example, so then my memory’s forgetfulness suited my purposes, but now, when remembering an illustration would be a good thing, as I wanted to express to you how unfortunate it sometimes is to not remember things. I guess I could lie (and it wouldn’t necessary be a lie as I could have done it and forgot about it) so here it goes, something that probably didn’t happen, but that could possibly have happen if a cat was seen driving a Ferrari down Milton road on a Wednesday afternoon in the rain (oh, in case you forgot, this illustration is to show you how unfortunate it could sometimes be to forget things)

Once, when I was walking down the street I met a red haired lady in an expensive looking suit, she would have been about my age give or take a couple of years, and about 1.73m (which is less than 6 foot, as it being 1.82m or something) and looked like someone I’d like to remember. She said “Hi” (which made me quite happy as I didn’t have to think of a response as I normally have to do when people I meet say “Hihowareyou”, with or without a ? I can never know [well, not entirely true, sometimes they stop and look at you with this waiting look, then I know they want me to reply], ‘case what do you say? when people say “Hihowareyou”, do you go “finethankyouhowareyou” from the corner of your month without turning your head while they walk past? Or do you just reply “Hihowareyou” back? As it’s shorter and you may possibly have said that while they still are in your field of vision? I never know, so I start thinking about how I am, and trying to figure that out and then reply, but when I get to that I need to turn around and shout “NOT SO GOOD, I JUST LOST MY KITTEN WHILE COMFORTING MY LOST WALLET”, which is rather embarrassing) “Hi” I said, “I’m Lizette” she said, “I’m Matt” I managed to say while desperately trying to say “Lizette, Liz-ette, etteziL, over and over in my head (this, I’m told is a good thing to do when you meet new people as it helps you remember their names. Not as good as saying their name out loud a couple of times though, but more practical. How stupid would it have sounded if I’d replied “Hi Lizette, I’m Mattias. Lizette is a different name, I have never met anyone named Lizette before, is it French? Lizettee?“) Then (after a pause or a couple of minutes) she said “Oh, here comes my bus, good to meet you Matt” where I replied “Oh, eh, yeah, good to meet you to ... eeh .. you red haired lady...”

And there it is, how awkward, I didn’t remember her name, because my memory wasn’t very good, like, you know, everything is like super clear now right?

Not sure about you but I have forgotten what I was writing about, which is an illustration of it self I guess, and it’s probably a better and shorter one than the Lizette story, which I must state is (probably) a complete figment of my imagination (if you can say so).

Anyways, I bet your glad you read all this and jump for joy over the fact that my blog is now resurrected in new form!
