Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Inspiration, where art thou?

18th of March 2009, that is the last time it was seen.. my dear inspiration, some would say muse, but I only associate (tricky word to spell) that with a music group.. And as I can claim no musical ability what so ever, nor any ownership over said group, well, I can't say I lost my muse.. as it was never mine in the first place. Inspiration though, I used to own once. Not exactly sure if it was a particularly good inspiration, but it was mine, and it is now missing. And, I have found (in loosing) that the thing you have, but then don't have no more (even if said thing wasn't particularly fantastic) you somehow miss. It's a little bit like a sock, for the most part you wonder around being rather uncaring about your socks (well, most people do I think. This allegory may fall somewhat flat if you chaps and chapettes all care mightily about your socks..) and then one day, you happen to be in a hurry for work, run to the sock drawer, and grab a sock. We'll you probably grab two socks. But, you get two left socks! (now, left socks [unless you have toe socks, and nothing negatively about toe socks, they are really good if you have toe shoes] is symbolism for "different type of sock") And no matter that there are 29 socks in your drawer, they are all left ones! That did fall somewhat flat actually.. I'll move one.


Not here!

What you say?!

I can't hear you!

Eyeh! How can you respond if your not here??


Oh, I can almost catch you if I use very long words!
Bah! Long sentences, turd head!

We'll, if it wasn't for you being my inspiration being missing I'd use very long words and therefore catch you!
Sentence... And to long this time

^$%^$#%&#^%&$^%&^%#&^%$#^%#$^%$#^#$%^%$#^% you caught me!

Ah, it is good to be back!


Nathan said...

Ahh. Welcome back Matt.

RJCampbell said...

You should blog more often. You inspire me to write comments.