Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Nothing you'd be interested in

Hmm, you're still reading? I'm pretty sure though, that whatever I'll say in this post won't interest you, I may of course be wrong, but I don't think so (not allowed to use to many brackets... [but I want to use brackets!! {No you don't, brackets are bad and give people headaches} But {No buts!}]). Anyways, all I'll talk about in this post is how it feels to be back with the two armed people, how amazingly hot it's been the last couple of days, how boring it is to do nothing, how I'm hoping my arm will survive working tomorrow, oh, and I'll whinge a bit about not being able to play soccer (or any other "contact" sport for that matter) for 6 weeks, and anything else I may think of while writing (I do that, sometimes, think, not that it's very often, but it happens..)

So, to do this really reallly boring and structured (can also help if you are interested in one of my topics, not that I think you are, but I could be wrong [as I'm such an interesting person {Grrrrr, think of the brackets, gotta think about the brackets}]), I'll make it into (numbered) bullet points, in the order mentioned above, smart hey?

  1. Being back among the two armed (although my lefty arm still is somewhat sluggish and tells me it's not to happy every now and again) feels pretty good. I can eat stuff and change the channel on the TV at the same time, I can do the dishes (which, I must say, is an oft undervalued way of passing time), I can (haven't tried yet though) brush my teeth with my right (left that is) arm, I can dress easily, I don't have to wear a stupid sling that gets sweaty and hot...
  2. Talking about hot.. Weee it's been hot the last couple of days! All I wanted to do was going to the beach.. Sitting in my room in front of a fan all the time... Gosh (can't even write anything uninteresting about how hot it is...)
  3. Doing nothing is very overestimated in my humble opinion, it's sooooo boring. Well technically I haven't been doing nothing as that is somewhat impossible... Like, how do you do nothing? If you lay in your bed staring at the roof all day, well then you're still doing something (laying in your bed staring at the roof).. So what is doing nothing? Being dead? Tricky question me thinks, but anyways, doing preciously little isn't to crash hot either, just so much TV watching, Internet surfing and Reading you can do before you get bored (with you I mean me, but I'm a bit of a coward, so don't want to put myself out there like that..)..
  4. So, I'm going to work tomorrow... I'm a pretty optimistic guy deep down inside, so I'll think it will go ok.. not that my arm want to do a whole lot, but he'll learn!! But hopefully he'll survive and come out laughing (I'm calling my arm "he" as I'm a "he", so I'd assume my arm's a "he" as well, could be wrong though)..
  5. Specialist told me to stay "don't play any contact sports for the next six weeks", now soccer (football) isn't supposed to be much of a contact sport, but it is.. So that means: No lightning league and no futsal, may even miss the start of the outdoor season, but not sure about that as I don't know when it starts... hopefully I'll be back then! And this rest will have done me a ##### of good!
  6. Can't really think about anything else to write here, I could write about the smurf and the bananagnome that went fishing for sharks, but no, it's to messy and there may be children reading this post..
Well if you got through all of this... phew, then you got way to much time on your hand and should go out and help some person that needs your help (dunno who or what they want help with, or why just you should help them, but.. Just do it, eh?)

Oh, remembered, were more or less created for that stuff, helping people that is, so that's what we should all be doing it, makes people feel good and stuff!

Sunday, January 28, 2007

A One Armed Matt

Hey Dear blog reader!

Writing this post really really slow... Not, I assume (on fairly good grounds [although I'm humble enough to acknowledge I could be wrong]) that you will notice that this post is written slowly, but anyways... Now, if you the inquisitive type you may wonder why this post is written so slowly (and you may even have an idea [due to your above average deductive reasoning skills] from the title). The correct answer should be that I currently only got one arm (ok, not entirely true, still have 2 arms but one 's fairly useless [unless you think hanging in a sling, hurting and being in the way is a useful occupation for an arm]), so restating (to avoid confusion [although I doubt your above average mind would get confused by such a trivial thing as this]): I'm currently only having one, in my opinion, useful hand!(!!!! [to really convey my message]). Hence I can only write with that arm.. Which for me, using the much adored and sought after (by those less gifted than you and me) touch method, this is very frustrating. It's a bit like talking but you can only use like a 3d of your teeth (somewhat lacking analogy... but hey, I'm suffering here)

Now that you know this you may (I wouldn't, but you may be the caring type [if you are I'm envious of you great heart]) wonder what made me one armed (or one-useful-in-my-opinion-armed if you want to be pedantic) and I'm quite happy to tell you that it's due to my sacrificial team spirit on the football ( field! I saw the ball rolling along by itself, saw this massively huge (in my mind) bloke from the other team run for the poor lonely ball, and just had to beat him to it, which, incidentally I did. Only problem was that of timing, I only beat him to the ball by .5 seconds or something... Which wasn't enough time to kick the ball and get out of the way... So we chrunshed together and I went tumbling to the ground with a not to happy shoulder (I did get to go in an ambulance and inhale on a green happy tube.. which was cool)

Figuring your getting bored now (with your above average wittiness and all) so wont bore you any more with how amazingly annoying it is to only be using one arm.. Just opening jars and bottles (not to speak about brushing your teeth and signing documents with your off hand..)

But, I guess I was due some misfortune as I've been fortunate lately. Got a Job!!! Starting on the 19th of Feb as an Technical Officer Track Reporting Trackside Interfaces within the Program Maintenance Services Division, Infrastructure Services Group for Queensland Rail here in Brisbane. Which is something I'm looking forward to, and have waited for for ages. What is pain anyway?

Anyways, should take my broken body and rampant spirit down to Immigration and get a label in my passport.

Until next time, keep your wits close and your mind open to sudden suffering....

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Had a good post..

Hm, yesterday at work I had heaps and heaps of ideas for a brilliant blog post, but now? When I'm at my trusted little lappy.... where have all the ideas gone? I'm figuring they would be here somewhere, like hidden in my huge maze of a brain (looking forward to when you can implant some index thing in it)............................... !

Remembered one idea, well, it's not an idea as such just a thing I was brooding about at work (I'm brooding about things a lot at work, it's amazing how easy it is to brood.. requires absolutely no effort what so ever. I tried to think while I was working [hence, not brooding] but that was to hard, stuffed up all the time and got confused and lost among the tapes.. weird I think), why do you write blogs? I could have written a post about this before, can't remember.. lost in the maze again. Anyways, it may not even be exactly "why" do you write blogs I'm trying to write, but more how cool it is that you can write things that probably not anyone will read, but that anyone actually could read. (sorry about the long sentence, take a few deep breaths and feel the oxygen get back into your lungs). Like, I could write anything here, bare my soul (which, if you happen to stumble across, you could tell he's somewhat missed and I hope he's back before July), write about all my problems, whinge (didn't like that word my spell check) about all sorts of things, and it would be there, for anyone to read.. Think about the harm I could inflict on others (most likely on myself and my wandering soul [hope I still have my spirit])!

They say that the pen is mightier than the sword, wonder if you can apply it directly to our lives and say that the keyboard is mightier than the tank? Or do you have to apply it through the industrial revolution or something?

Did you know that Biblical Theology is seeing the Bible as a whole? Like, you don't read stuff in the old testament and think that that is directly applicable to you today. The reason for that is that were living after the death of Jesus. And the old testament is unfolding God's plan (which is getting Jesus to die for our sins), so for us today to look at the Old testament and think we can apply things directly to us is a bit silly. Lets for example take the story of David and Goliath, now if you read it, who do you identify with? Unless your pretty big and looking forward to get killed by a small bloke, you'll probably identify with David. And were always told that David was the tiny dude that beat the big dude.. Now this is not exactly true, David wasn't your ordinary little wet nosed boy. For starters he was out killing bears and lions when they were stupid enough to attack his sheep, ok, not such a big feat if you have a rifle you think, but he had no such thing, he used his hands (and maybe a dagger or something).. Add to that that he was God's anointed king (basically that means Christ) and was pretty good with the sling.. So, the idea with the story about David and Goliath is not that we should be small Davids running around, we should identify with the Israelites that didn't dare to attack Goliath, and be thankful for the fact that someone else did (Jesus in our case).

Long post this, so now it's end post time.. See you around dear reader (whoever you are and what you may think)

Monday, January 15, 2007

Permanent Resident

So, after 6 months of waiting, praying, being nervous, planning up to 27 days in advance, worrying, chasing banana gnomes, checking status, waiting for emails, sending papers, getting papers, sending papers again as I sent the wrong papers, feeling like a criminal.. it finally arrived last week!

The email saying

I am pleased to advise that on 08 January 2007 a decision was taken to grant this visa.

Which, if you didn't know, pretty good.. This means that I can stay in this lovely country called Australia "indefinitely" (depends if I'm nice or not, but as I'm pretty nice it shouldn't be a problem!)

So, now when that is out of the way (apart from causing me much less stress [this new blogger have automatic spell checking... how convenient is that?]) I can seriously start looking for jobs (engineering ones that is), which hopefully will be easier now!

But, now I'm way to tired to write anymore, well, that may not be entirely true, but I'm way to tired to write anything useful.. Not that I ever write anything useful.. but still!

Oh, before I go, if you know anything about banana gnomes, let me know.. Their being of not being have been troubling me lately