So, after 6 months of waiting, praying, being nervous, planning up to 27 days in advance, worrying, chasing banana gnomes, checking status, waiting for emails, sending papers, getting papers, sending papers again as I sent the wrong papers, feeling like a criminal.. it finally arrived last week!
The email saying
I am pleased to advise that on 08 January 2007 a decision was taken to grant this visa.
Which, if you didn't know, pretty good.. This means that I can stay in this lovely country called Australia "indefinitely" (depends if I'm nice or not, but as I'm pretty nice it shouldn't be a problem!)
So, now when that is out of the way (apart from causing me much less stress [this new blogger have automatic spell checking... how convenient is that?]) I can seriously start looking for jobs (engineering ones that is), which hopefully will be easier now!
But, now I'm way to tired to write anymore, well, that may not be entirely true, but I'm way to tired to write anything useful.. Not that I ever write anything useful.. but still!
Oh, before I go, if you know anything about banana gnomes, let me know.. Their being of not being have been troubling me lately
Welcome back to blogland Mattias!
And congratulations on officially becoming 'Strayin! (less commonly known as Australian)
It's about time - both for you to secure said status and to update your blog.
Banana gnomes is an affectionate term for annoying Queensland residents suffering short man syndrome. They can often be found claiming to have "thick skin" - however, this skin will break at the slightest bend or unexpected curve. Banana gnomes are traditionally considered to be a "pest" and should be patronisingly mollycoddled at any opportunity. The obscure Queensland town of Jeff hosts an annual banana gnome throwing competition which is in danger of being stamped out by a politically correct lobby group.
Oh, someone reads my blog.. Not bad!
Oh, I gotto go to Jeff then! But, I heard some pretty persistent rumors that the banana gnomes are really really tasty, somehow I don't think annoying Queensland residents suffering of short man syndrome will taste to good? Or are they fed some special diet? And that is what makes them annoying and developing short man syndrome? As well as making them taste good (oh, btw, how do people know that? Isn't it illegal to eat ppl?)
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