Friday, May 19, 2006

Talk to me!

The meaning of this post is to figure out one of lifes great mysteries:
  • How to get people to start talking to/with me
I mean, there are many people out there that I don't know that I potentially could become very good friends with, but only if we happen to start talking to each other, but how do you get them to talk to you? Anywhere, online, at the pub, down at the corner at the place selling roasts but doesn't take efpos, at the gym, you meet people every where (oh, forgot, uni and work) but very seldom the just randomly start talking to you (and if they do they are most certanly not that deadly hot young woman that they eyes seem to have locked on to but some one wanting to get 50c for "a train ticket"). Why is this? And how to change it?

I'm already working on the problem of getting people to CONTINUE talking to you as I went and bought this book called "How to have a beautiful mind" that starts like this:

There is this beautiful woman at a cocktail party. She has flawless skin, elegant clothes and a perfect figure. Surprisingly, she seems to be much on her own. People come up to her and quickly drift away. Then there is this short, balding and mousy man. He is always surrounded by people in animated conversation with him. What is going on?
The book then goes on to say that the woman has a boring mind and the man has a beautiful mind and that is why everyone is talking to him and not here (for any long time anyways). It then says this:
But there is much more that you can do to make your mind more beautiful. That is exactly what this book is about. This book tells you what to do to make your mind more beautiful
So basically I have that part figured out (when I finished the book that is, a couple of times) so when people start talking to me they never want to stop because my mind is so amazingly beautiful (may be some flaws in this but I can't find any obvious ones)

But... there is always a but, how to get people to start talking to me? The above example confuses me a bit, people come up to this lady and start talking to her, they probably do this because she is hot. So one theory could be "Look hot and people will start talking to you". But people start talking to the balding mousy man as well, why is that? Is it because a lot of other people talks to him? Is it because his mind is so beautiful that it radiates come-talk-to-meness? Or is there something else?

I am at a loss here, so if you have any suggestions please typ a comment or two and enlighten me... oh, and if you know how to get people on msn to start talking to me as well... Maybe it is about having a beautiful symbol and a witty text?

Other news from around the world: Smileys blog is not updated today.. What is going on young Campbell running out of things to write?


Anonymous said...

So which are you?

Hot girl of mousy man?


Sounds like this entry is a cry for help!?!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Speaking english might be a good starting point... people tend to like being able to understand what is being said.

So a blog site for instance that has comments that are mostly in Swedish.... may not be the best starting point. But then again there ARE only 8 comments. So 'mostly' actually only means 2 comments...

Keep trying-ill be your advertising campaign manager for your blog... I always relish a challenge- I predict the comment numbers will be up by the end of the month!!

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh I bet...

Anonymous said...

you got really...

Anonymous said...

excited when you.....

Anonymous said...

how many comments.....

Anonymous said...

were listed at.....

Anonymous said...

the bottom of your....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sorry to disappoint you!

Anonymous said...

Sorry about the poor blogging skills- left out quite a few keys words in the above entries. Read it and take it as you may.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the mousy man went up to other people first and started talking to them. It was then his witty conversation that would have kept them close. There are lots of people around Mattias, just wanting to be chatted to - maybe it just takes a little bravado to step out and say hello. It might fall flat, but what's the worst that could happen? ... you might just find someone else with an equally beautiful mind as yourself...

Mattias said...


Ok, the are mostly from the same person(s) but anyway! Gives me an idea though, I should write comments on my on blog under fake names (believable ones...)! But that would be lying though, and we can't do that can we... I have a feeling it will tell me in my book that lying isn't very beautiful..

And yes your right, Sara, that starting to talk to people is a very good thing to do. That is probably what the mousy man did, he started talking to one person and then because that person stayed and had a good conversation with him other people figured that he was interesting to talk to and it rolled on from there, I was just being lazy and trying to find some short cuts

Off the Grid said...

I'm sorry guy, but we can't be friends. I live 4 days into the future, and this experience I taught me some valuable lessons about the nature of existence and spacetime.

If I were to ever reveal any of this to you, even accidentally, as so often happesn when you get to comfortable with someone, the consequences would be ... uhhh ...

Wait a second. Did I just say I lived 4 days into the future?

Anonymous said...

Your book is lying to you.
In 25 years I have never ever seen a hot young woman standing alone at a party and a short bald man surrounded by people.
Answer: you have to have a beautiful mind AND a beautiful body. :p
Ok, not a beautiful body, but it helps if you don't look like Attila the Hun...

Anonymous said...


u already had a beautiful mind...

what u need is beautiful face and body..


Mattias said...

True (no hot women standing alone at a party), so.. thingy is this then: Hot body + Beautiful Mind = Very good combination

Getting a beautiful mind is rather cheap, getting a beautiful/hot body/face (hmm, is the face not part of the body?) cost a lot of money..

I have a plan: Let's make wearing brown paper bags (with slits for the eyes) on your head the latest fashion!

Anonymous said...

This blog does seem sad. Mattias - are you lonely? you always have friends to talk to, you know that. And if all else fails, get a cat. They'll always listen to you. Binka always listens to what I have to say. She knows all my secrets. There's your solution!