Saturday, August 26, 2006

A Day in the Sun

So, nothing much to write about today I, again.. Well, maybe I have things to write about, but would you find it interesting? Probably not. Doesn't stop me from writing things though!

Went to the Arundel Mosque yesterday, for a little tour, never been to a Mosque before so was kinda interesting. The guy running it seemed like a nice guy and changed my view of Muslims to the better. Although going to the Mosque made me quite happy I'm a Christian, to much things to remember, like walking in to the toilet with your left (I could get these ones mixed up) foot first and saying something in Arabic, and then when you leave the toilet you have to leave with your right (unless I got these mixed up) foot first and say something else in Arabic. Same things goes for a whole lot of things.

After the little tour we went to the Arundel Pressy church and moved all their benches (called something I can't remember) so that we could place tables and chairs in their main hall. Then we went and got heaps of chinese food and got back and served a bunch of people food. And listened to Garnet talk about the 4 main Religions of the world (although part 2 of Gramy spent most of the talk sleeping...)

Then it was of to the beach for a shorty and then going home time, which was interesting as me, Trav and Mell talked about lifes hardships and stuff, speaking of Mel, I promised her I'd put up her list of characteristics for a guy, so you'll know if your the one!

#1 Ledsen, men det vore inte rätt att tala om hennes kriterier för dig, vill du veta vad hon tycker så får du ta och jobba lite!

#2 Nej, lite mer jobb än s
å måste du lägga ned.

#3 Du verkar riktigt nyfiken, om du inte inte översatt alla punkterna p
å en gång förstås.

#4 Fem myror är fler än fyra elefanter

#5 Vad ska jag skriva nu, om du är svensk och läser detta s
å är det ju inte direkt jätte intressant, men inte skrivet för dig!

Fakiren är på promenad med sin son. Plötsligt råkar pojken trampa på en spik.
Pappan blir arg och fräser: Det är konstigt med dig att du alltid ska tänka på nöjen.

#7 S
å du läser fortfarande, jag är rätt säker på att du inte kommer att få ut så där jätte mycket av dessa punkter

#8 Fast å andra sidan, om du har kanske lärt dig lite svenska, om du nu kunde det innan, då kanske den har försämrats

#9 Undrans om du gjorde det första punkterna och sedan tänkte du att du var smart och hoppade till sista punkten, otur i s
å fall.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Not a real post

An Italian, a German and an Australian football fan were arrested in
a small Arabian state when they were caught urinating on a religious
building after an all night drinking binge.
The trio have to face up to the local sultan and are dished out the
typical punishment for religious desecration - 20 lashes of the whip
to the back. But the Sultan was a big football fan so he kindly granted
them two wishes each - but they were not allowed to change the number
of lashes or the type of punishment.

The Italian says " Well we are the World Champions so I go first. I want the pleasure of a beer and a pillow.".
The Sultan grants his wishes.
With a wide grin the Italian drinks his beer and binds the pillow to his naked back.
But after 10 lashes the pillow falls apart and he has to painfully endure the remaining 10 lashes which leave deep welt marks on his back.

The German saw all this and spends a few minutes thinking before smiling. "I would like to have two pillows for my back". The Sultan thinks about the uniqueness of the wishes but decides to grant it given he has used up his two wishes in one go. However after 15 lashes of the whip both pillows have fallen apart and the German has to painfully endure the remaining 5 lashes which leave deep welt
marks on his back.
The Australian is grinning from ear to ear and mutters something under his breath about a wrong penalty.
"Ok my first wish is to double the number of lashes to 40." There is stunned silence in the hall.

The Italian, German and Sultan are a little surprised at the first wish but then remember the strong fighting performance the Aussies put up during the World Cup in Germany 2006.
The Italian and German look at each other and nod in admiration - obviously this Aussie wants to show how tough he is.

The Sultan asked the Aussie for his second wish.

(Look at the comment)

Monday, August 21, 2006

Why so many stupid ppl?

Why are there so many stupid people in this world?!! Watching the news make's me want to cry (almost, I'm not the crying or caring type.. [but starting to get somewhat caring me thinks, guess I spent to much time with Steve..], but if I was I'd cry) there are people running around blowing themselves up (and taking as many others with them as possible, would be somewhat fine if they just could blow themselves up, and not forcing their opinions on others!), then we have people being dictrators or some crap, they decide to test new weapons on their population, why not kill 100 000ppl? We have millions more.. Then we have others, that think money is the most important thing in the world and will do anything to make more money; "Hey, Africa! man, what a market.. all the eat is rice and roots and crap, let's give em some real food! (Coke and Hamburgers...), Oh, and then we have to run our cars, make our roads, make useless stuff, etc, etc with oil! And, oh, how good, oil is in some dodgey countries where they are fighting each other.. lets give em some more weapons! Then let's go there after a couple of years and try out our new weapons as well! Yeeeh!!!

MUUUUHHHH!!! That's what I think about X people in this world! Grow up!!!! Start understanding that other PEOPLE are important, not MONEY and POWER! (and your ^^&%&) It's easy if you try....

Anyways, enough whingeing about the state of the world, and to something completely different, Car washing without water! (or atleast very little water) Had to do that today, think the car haven't been wached for ages, so it kinda needed it.. But, just washing the car with a spounge and a bucket of water... well, it gathers the dirt in strings... looks very nice.. NOT! But figured out a smart way to do it, wash is with the spounge and then dry it of with a towel before it dries! Ingenious! Or you could pray for rain, tried that one.. were some clouds there for a while, and even a light light drip.. but not enough. Works with the towel though... Oh, and I vaccumed it as well, with my amazing Cyclonic Vaccum cleaner (see video..) so it's very clean inside..... eh

Anyways, another day tomorrow, which I hopefully will spend on the beach and a phone call from Skilled telling me that they want me to work for them would be pretty good as well. Oh, if your a HR manager for some engineering firm and want a graduate engineer (electronics, but can learn others..), well, I'm your man! Amazingly awesome I am, can do anything, me and McGywer are like a spounge and a soap!

That's all for me, today, and I'm looking forward to your amazing imput, that is what makes the world of blogging go around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and now I can't write anymore as I get confused...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Quinn The Eskimo (They Mighty Quinn)

Ev'rybody's building the big ships and the boats, Some are building monuments, Others, jotting down notes, Ev'rybody's in despair,Ev'ry girl and boy But when Travinia the Eskimo gets here, Ev'rybody's gonna jump for joy. Come all without, come all within,
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Travinia.

This song has nothing to do with this post, other then inspiring me to write this post (as I had a way to start it.. oh, and... well, you probably figured it out already! (although it's a pretty crap image... last one.. unless I get some very good pictures)

I did think about something yesterday though, I had one of those (rare) thoughtful and deep insights... But of course I cannot remember it now.. probably will remember it in an hour or so, when I have finished this post..

Again, I'd like to make some advertisement fro Launchcast it is pretty good, and if your getting bored of the music your currently listening to and want to get, lots and lots, of obscure bands you have never heard about before in your favourite genre.. well it's a pretty good place to start.

Oh, if you like the idea of hitting people in the head with sticks... I'm planning to start with Kendo in a couple of weeks, if you want to come check it out with me, let me know! I'm planning to try the beginners classes out for a month, and see how it is.

And, I do have a little idea, to make things a bit interesting, if you have some cool liks, pictures or something like that.. don't hesitate to send them to me and I'll put it/them up in a magnificent post!

Until we meet in the dark, MKC

P.S Be careful when your trying to drive into government buildings so the don't have one of these...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ekka day!

So, today is the Ekka day... Or not exactly, today is they day people working in the central area of Brisbane have their day off.. Which should be quite a few people.. And the reason for this is that they should go to the Ekka(?). When I write this two of my regular readers have spent around 3 hours or something there already, running around and doing whatever you do on a market, and they still have like 8-9 hours to go.. Anyways, me and Steve are of to check it out in a bit (although we went there for 30min or so on Monday, which I kinda thought was enough). I don't really enjoy being at a place where there's stacks of animals (and animal pooh), lots and lots of kids, lots of stalls there try their best to make you test (and usually, in my case, make a fool of yourself), people bumping in to you from everywhere and stuff. But, I may be wrong and this may be a totally wonderful experience!!!! And I sit in a corner and cry when they close.. Update will follow, watch this space!

Other news.. The BEACH is Awesome! What better way to spend a Monday then going up the coast and haning on the beach, throwing a Zocker Combo football around, and then go for lunch at one of the restaurants near by? Not many that I can think of.

Anyways, have to go and make some pancakes and then it's off to the Ekka...

Oh, btw, Mel, what about the Ronali? You forgot them in your race!

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Hey dear Blogreader

What do you think about the fact that today, it is Monday! Do you like it? Looking forward to a new week? Did you, wake up, with a big grin on your face and the though "Wheeee hooo! Another great and exciting week in my great and exciting life! Thank you God for creating me, thank you for putting me here, thank you for my friends and thank you for today!". If you did, my taking-of-the-imaginary-blue-hat-gratulations to you! If you didn't, well, though luck, and just remember, there are people worse of than you!

Like me, I have to go to the beach today....

Beach! Finally, haven't been there for ages (well, were there last Saturday, but didn't really count as it was at night and there were no getting into the water involved) and will be cool I think.

So, weekend was pretty good, Jo become and old lady, eh, no, wait, maybe not old, and, btw, she's actually having a birthday today (I believe), so Happy Real Birthday to you Jo!

Smiley finally lived up to his name... Having a picnic in the park (about 200m from Mel's house..) can be pretty fun, you never know what strange topics people bring up.. And, never call Steve a bird, unless you have a good explanation to why you call him that particular bird!

Oh, got some photos from my dear friend Kalle to! How his house/appartment and daughter looks like (and, how my dear friend Lars looks like when he's getting married), really interesting to see how a house looks like when it is finished, last time I saw it was when we were thrashing walls with sledgehammers!

Anyways people, it is now time, to get ready, and to go to do it on, eh, didn't work, tried to get as many 2 letter words in a row as I could... What I was trying to say, is, time to go and get ready for tha beach!

We are little airy creatures,
All of different voice and features.
One of us in glass is set,
One of us you’ll find in a jet;
The other you may see in tin,
And the fourth a box within.
If the fifth you should pursue,
It can never fly from you.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Not a whole lot

So, another post, and this one will have not deapth what so ever, so maybe I'll get a few comments this time? Can't say I have a lot to tell, except, that my dear friend Nathan (aka Smelly aka Smiley aka Smiz aka some other names) have joined the exclusive clubs of the non singles! Congrats to him, and, I suppose, her (don't have the copywrights to her name yet, so cant put it up)! So, that makes one less in the singles club then, not that "the singles club" exists, it doesn't, just a figure of speach, but if it did exists, well, then he would have left it, provided he'd be in it to start with, which he, of course, isn't, as it doesn't exist, nor have it ever..

Anyways, other news sees my most trusted commenter (although she claims she'll written her last post, due to some unfortunate misunderstanding, I must add) and miss Biggs are going to the little country south east of us... Seeing snow and sights I believe they are going to do, we (royal we... see, I think I'm royal! Or maybe I just have a multiple personality but am afraid to admit it, hence I revert into the "I'm royal" state...) wich them all the best and promise to miss them the last two days they are away!

I think that was all the things I could write about, withouth stretching things to much, I'll try to find a picture of sorts to put up for your enjoyment! And maybe even a riddle or a poem?

Couldn't fit this image up there...

A tribute to Smelly, no longer Smelly!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Downs and Ups

So, it's been a weekend of dissapointment and some trepiditation... Was supposed to get my english test results (big thing for my PR) on Friday, but didn't. So had to wait for it over the entire weekend.. fun fun.

Anyways, friday night starts with us celebrating Burnzys bucks party, starting with a BBQ here and then move on to play some pool... Where me and Knobby play against Steve and Justin.. And get pantsed! So there is disappointment 1 for the weekend: I'm being a wuzz and refuse to take my pants of and run around the table, instead I go home as I "need to sleep, because I have to work in the morning".

So, Saturday, we play Football against the bottom team, we win 6-1, but I don't think I have a specifcally great game... to be mild. Get a few comments from one of my team mates, disappointment 2 of the weekend: I sulk.

Saturday night, we meet outside of Amy and Debbie's (withouth them knowing we'll be there or being home), although Amy and Greg show up while were still trying to decide what to do.. Anyways, after a lot of time (oh, btw, we spent 2h or something in msn converstion before we got to a decision where to meet..) we managed come to the conclusion that we'll go to Bribie Island, via Nathan and Naomi's place (to pick up Greg) and Cabolture BP. No disappointments so far.

Then, we end up at the beach on Bribie, were all having fun, playing around with a ball and tackling each other. Then, Steve and Greg decide to prank me and Greg hides behind me and Steve pushes me back... Me falling on my back, and trying to get revenge on Steve, and try to wrestle him down.. Not the smartest move ever, so disappointment 3: Me getting really really angry and trying to wrestle Steve down (no more success, only difference I look like a complete jerk). So, instead of saying sorry to Steve for loosing it, I sulk, again! Always easier to be angry with someone else than bite the sour apple (?) and admit your the one that's an idiot... Got around to it in the end, and man it's emarrasing.. Must say sorry to everyone that was there.

Good night apart from that though!

Sunday night, making pancakes (Swedish style) after church (not using the best of frying pans) and people are trying to offer me suggestions, what to do, what equipment to use etc. And.. disappointment 4: I snap and get annoyed and tell people not to... Oh, the patience....!!!! (pancakes seamed to work out nicely in the end, in spit of my short patience)

Monday, waiting for the mail.. Will it be another disappointment? I'm somewhat worried about the writing component of my English test, pretty confident about the listening and reading parts though, and fairly confident about the speaking test.. Mail arrives and me, taken by a sense of dread, opens it and...

Fulfillment (synonym to disappointment apparently)! I get 8.5 on listening, 7 on reading, 9 on Writing and 9 on Speaking (8.5 in avg).. So, the thing I was most confident about went the worst, the thing I was most nervous about went the best... Weird, but WHO CARES!!!??? I ONLY NEEDED SIXES!!!

Anyways, with that worry out of the way, maybe I can start behaving again.

Hope your having lots of ups and not so many downs!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

vida, el universo y burbujas del jabón

So, had a job interview today, always a good thing to have, of course I didn't shine like a little star as always.. Did ok me thinks, but that is generally not good enough. Prepared a bit for this one to, tried learning Visual Basic for Applications (in one day), didn't become an expert, but atleast I had some clue of what I were doing.. But, the most important part was writing some pseudo code, and writing pseudo code is fairly easy... except that I never tend to know what I should actuall write, to focused on one language... Thing was that all I had to do was to read from two files, connect them together (person to winnings), figure out how much each person had won, if they had won more than 20k, and if all their winnings was the same (e.g. lotto, horses) and then write two files with the name, how much they won and what they won in... Now the easy, and smart way, to do this when you can pick from all and any language, is to use something like .Net's DataSet to read your files into (two tables), then make a view with some funky sql qurey that gives you what you want, and then just print it to a file, either by looping, creating a string, where you "manually" put your delimiter in the string, or using some funky function.. me, I was to focused on C.. and though using a DataSet (or database) may be cheating.. so I did loops.. probably works, but not to pretty... Anyways, such is life and you never know until you know..

Other thing, tommorrow I, most probably, will get my IELTS test... Also very very funny... Should be ok, but me and written exams doesnt go well together, I always seem to under achieve on them, may have something to do with me having no short term memory... hm, oh well, I'll guess I'll figure out how that went when I do...

So, what is happening in your life this moment in time? (from about 10 mins ago to 10 mins in the future) Anything interesting? Anything funky? Anything with very little chocolate and very much cofee?

Trying to keep this post somewhat short.. Not that it is very short, I can't write short posts, it's not in me... Oh, well, now I'll stop anyways, should go help Steve and Greg, or at least, superwise (is that spelled with a v or a w?), Steven and Greg, cook.

Oh, btw, you can now get translated into 9 different languages! Cool heh?