Saturday, August 26, 2006

A Day in the Sun

So, nothing much to write about today I, again.. Well, maybe I have things to write about, but would you find it interesting? Probably not. Doesn't stop me from writing things though!

Went to the Arundel Mosque yesterday, for a little tour, never been to a Mosque before so was kinda interesting. The guy running it seemed like a nice guy and changed my view of Muslims to the better. Although going to the Mosque made me quite happy I'm a Christian, to much things to remember, like walking in to the toilet with your left (I could get these ones mixed up) foot first and saying something in Arabic, and then when you leave the toilet you have to leave with your right (unless I got these mixed up) foot first and say something else in Arabic. Same things goes for a whole lot of things.

After the little tour we went to the Arundel Pressy church and moved all their benches (called something I can't remember) so that we could place tables and chairs in their main hall. Then we went and got heaps of chinese food and got back and served a bunch of people food. And listened to Garnet talk about the 4 main Religions of the world (although part 2 of Gramy spent most of the talk sleeping...)

Then it was of to the beach for a shorty and then going home time, which was interesting as me, Trav and Mell talked about lifes hardships and stuff, speaking of Mel, I promised her I'd put up her list of characteristics for a guy, so you'll know if your the one!

#1 Ledsen, men det vore inte rätt att tala om hennes kriterier för dig, vill du veta vad hon tycker så får du ta och jobba lite!

#2 Nej, lite mer jobb än s
å måste du lägga ned.

#3 Du verkar riktigt nyfiken, om du inte inte översatt alla punkterna p
å en gång förstås.

#4 Fem myror är fler än fyra elefanter

#5 Vad ska jag skriva nu, om du är svensk och läser detta s
å är det ju inte direkt jätte intressant, men inte skrivet för dig!

Fakiren är på promenad med sin son. Plötsligt råkar pojken trampa på en spik.
Pappan blir arg och fräser: Det är konstigt med dig att du alltid ska tänka på nöjen.

#7 S
å du läser fortfarande, jag är rätt säker på att du inte kommer att få ut så där jätte mycket av dessa punkter

#8 Fast å andra sidan, om du har kanske lärt dig lite svenska, om du nu kunde det innan, då kanske den har försämrats

#9 Undrans om du gjorde det första punkterna och sedan tänkte du att du var smart och hoppade till sista punkten, otur i s
å fall.


Anonymous said...


Thats the best joke you have ever pulled Mattias!!

Good one!

Bet she was freaking out there for a moment!!

Anonymous said...

haha (sarcastic laugh) very funny.

Anonymous said...

Thats an interesting List. I wonder who the luck guy is thats going to have to meet all of them...

Mattias said...

A partial inclosure made by a wall or trees, to serve as a shelter for sheep or cattle.

Nathan said...


Nathan said...

apparently Mel's ideal guy is:

1. A guy whose name rhymes with even.