Thursday, August 03, 2006

vida, el universo y burbujas del jabón

So, had a job interview today, always a good thing to have, of course I didn't shine like a little star as always.. Did ok me thinks, but that is generally not good enough. Prepared a bit for this one to, tried learning Visual Basic for Applications (in one day), didn't become an expert, but atleast I had some clue of what I were doing.. But, the most important part was writing some pseudo code, and writing pseudo code is fairly easy... except that I never tend to know what I should actuall write, to focused on one language... Thing was that all I had to do was to read from two files, connect them together (person to winnings), figure out how much each person had won, if they had won more than 20k, and if all their winnings was the same (e.g. lotto, horses) and then write two files with the name, how much they won and what they won in... Now the easy, and smart way, to do this when you can pick from all and any language, is to use something like .Net's DataSet to read your files into (two tables), then make a view with some funky sql qurey that gives you what you want, and then just print it to a file, either by looping, creating a string, where you "manually" put your delimiter in the string, or using some funky function.. me, I was to focused on C.. and though using a DataSet (or database) may be cheating.. so I did loops.. probably works, but not to pretty... Anyways, such is life and you never know until you know..

Other thing, tommorrow I, most probably, will get my IELTS test... Also very very funny... Should be ok, but me and written exams doesnt go well together, I always seem to under achieve on them, may have something to do with me having no short term memory... hm, oh well, I'll guess I'll figure out how that went when I do...

So, what is happening in your life this moment in time? (from about 10 mins ago to 10 mins in the future) Anything interesting? Anything funky? Anything with very little chocolate and very much cofee?

Trying to keep this post somewhat short.. Not that it is very short, I can't write short posts, it's not in me... Oh, well, now I'll stop anyways, should go help Steve and Greg, or at least, superwise (is that spelled with a v or a w?), Steven and Greg, cook.

Oh, btw, you can now get translated into 9 different languages! Cool heh?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just commenting on the last blog - not this one. But i thought i'd do it here because it looked lonely. The team name suggested last season for our nettie team was "Defending champs" - but it was lucky we didn't change it to that because... we didn't win. :( But our new name is... wait for it.... "The Courter Pounders"!! isn't it fantastic.

Thanks for still being nice to me even though the "Be nice to Mel" week is over. (though it did have to be extended to a fortnight.. because of some comments you made.)

Hmm haven't looked here for ages.. that's why my comment is so long.