Thursday, August 17, 2006

Quinn The Eskimo (They Mighty Quinn)

Ev'rybody's building the big ships and the boats, Some are building monuments, Others, jotting down notes, Ev'rybody's in despair,Ev'ry girl and boy But when Travinia the Eskimo gets here, Ev'rybody's gonna jump for joy. Come all without, come all within,
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Travinia.

This song has nothing to do with this post, other then inspiring me to write this post (as I had a way to start it.. oh, and... well, you probably figured it out already! (although it's a pretty crap image... last one.. unless I get some very good pictures)

I did think about something yesterday though, I had one of those (rare) thoughtful and deep insights... But of course I cannot remember it now.. probably will remember it in an hour or so, when I have finished this post..

Again, I'd like to make some advertisement fro Launchcast it is pretty good, and if your getting bored of the music your currently listening to and want to get, lots and lots, of obscure bands you have never heard about before in your favourite genre.. well it's a pretty good place to start.

Oh, if you like the idea of hitting people in the head with sticks... I'm planning to start with Kendo in a couple of weeks, if you want to come check it out with me, let me know! I'm planning to try the beginners classes out for a month, and see how it is.

And, I do have a little idea, to make things a bit interesting, if you have some cool liks, pictures or something like that.. don't hesitate to send them to me and I'll put it/them up in a magnificent post!

Until we meet in the dark, MKC

P.S Be careful when your trying to drive into government buildings so the don't have one of these...


Anonymous said...

Is that picture of anyone we know? I can't figure it out! Is Kendo a brother of Kendra?

I'm really really bored at the moment cos I had to come to work an hour & a half earlier with my mummy cos my car is stuffed again. I think I need Kendo lessons to take out my car anger management issues.

Ahh the ekka experience. We forgot to mention our near-death experience in the crowd crush. We could have died!! If it wasn't for jill's elevated height & assertiveness, i would have been trampled. I hate pushy people with prams. He kept on raming me. Great day, all in all

Mattias said...

Hey, here I was, going to write a "Oh, no comments on my blog.." message (as it said 0 comments for me) and lo and behold! A comment from Mel!

You should know who it is (well, one of the two you should know, if you know the other I get somewhat scared) and the song lyrics (misspellings) should give you a hint as well!

You did mention your near death experience (on the ekka day) unless you had more than one that is, good luck you got Jilligan the body guard though!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the photo touch-up mattias.. I do believe you made some significant improvements.. but you forgot to add more hair :P

And btw.. kendo sounds cool.. but you'll have to beat me with sticks to get me there..


Mattias said...

heh, I'll beat you with sticks trav!