Wednesday, December 20, 2006


So, first blog in a while this, so figure nobody will read my blog (although young Nathan said he checked it every now and again, so Hi to you Smiley!)

Anyways, apologises for being lazy and not having updated this in ages.. Haven't really had anything to say and no time (spending my lunch break writing this), but today I had an interesting discussion with one of the guys at work. We were discussing (not for very long mind you) why some people celebrate Christmas on the 25th while others on the 24th. So, me then thinking we celebrated Christmas becasue the birth of Jesus thought that maybe there was some confusion with the date or something.

So, did some research (google search..) to find out which of the two days the big man was born.. Turns out he was born sometime between 6.30 and 7.30 pm, on the 13th of September 3BC (atleast acording to this dude [although he's not alone, if your not convinced, do some more research]). What about that? Somewhat mind blowing for me.. And he then goes on and says why we do celebrate christmas the 25th.

In the late 4th century, in early 380 AD, Pope Damasus I was
endeavoring to force allChristians in the Roman Empire to yield to his
authority. He got the Emperor to issue anedict requiring them to practice
the religion of Rome. We know that it is about this timethe
Christmas midnight Mass was first celebrated and December 25th first identified
as aCatholic holy day. It is said Damasus was seeking to lure the people
away from paganrites honoring the birth of the sun god at midnight by compelling
Catholic attendance at amemorial in honor of Christ's death, ie the Mass. The
people confused this Mass with thepagan solar birth rituals conducted at that
same time. Gradually, the Christ-Mass becameassociated with the

So, basically were celebrating the birth of some sun god.. And here I'v always been told at church that so few people now adays know why we really celebrate christmas.. We'll guess they where correct in that, but somehow I don't think they ment that we had forgot about the sun god...

Anyways, next year, Jesus, I'll be celebrating your birhtday on your actual birthday! Time to reclaim Christmas people! Give the 25th (or 24th) to Coke and Santa, and let's celebrate 13th of September (which should be a bit easier as there doesn't seem to be much on around then)

Anyways, hope you'll have a fun Sunmas and get muchos presents and really get into the spirit of things (spending the day in the sun at the beach!)

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


So, more or less working full time nowadays... Not anything I have studied for or so, but it's ok and it pays me bills (and more) so that's pretty cool, never think I have actually worked this much in my life.. The nice people at challenge realised I was to soft to do any hard labour work, so they sent me to where I am no, Recall. I'm running around picking up and storing backup tapes that people send to us to store for a while.

But.. yeasterday I felt like doing something a bit different.. I wanted to buy two CD's! And, this may come as a surprise for some, I wanted to get the latest Muse cd and the latest Eskimoe Joe (dunno how to spell that), but then, they are both kinda main stream nowadays, heard the Muse single, whatever it's called, on the way to and on the way from growth group.. On 96.5 at that!

Anyways, what I was trying to say is, I went down to the city to buy CD's (after deciding against going and getting a haircut as I wanted those CD's), but decide to head in to Big W to buy some stuff first, so, in I go, buy my stuff I do, paying and leaving.. BEEEEEEEEP!!! So the cashier girl just hands my stuff through the beeping thing and it doesn't beep.. (which was pretty weird). Anyway, I go out from Big W, and decide to put my newly bought stuff in my bag and taking my jacket out, which I do, using some table in the food court. After that, heading down to Woolies, where it beeps when I go in... Happily walking around and getting my stuff, line up in the que, decide to take out my wallet.... which isn't there... Running up to Big W again (Beeps when I go out....) But they are closed, but manged to get the attention of some dude, but didn't do me any good as my wallet wasn't there. Down to Woolies again, maybe I put my wallet in my basket.. Didn't. But, I meet Rachel that lends me money so I can buy food, again I must say that friends are good to have... Oh, forgot to say that the alarm beeps when I enter woolies again.. And it beeps when I leave.. So, off to the police and reporting my lost wallet, and then home to check through my bag. Didn't find my wallet, but did find that the cashier chick at Big W forgot to take of one of those beeping things from my stuff.... (which also means I can't use it.. being two boxers tied together with this metal thing, nor can I go back to Big W and say "Hey, I have this pair of boxes here.. they have this beeping thing on them, I can't use them as they have that.. Recepit? No, I lost my wallet...")

But, such is life.. Going to Straddie on the weekend!!! And to bed now...

Until the end

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Find the point (dot)

Hi, blog reader(s),

Sorry about the absence of blog posts lately, been to tired... This working man's life is draining.. Especially when you need to get up so early in the morning, and then work hard.. Last week I started at 3am!!! and finished at 3pm (well, only on wen and thur, fri I finished at 1 and mon and tue I didn't start at 3..). Dunno how many tonnes of stuff I have been moving from conveyors to pallets, pallets I have pushed away and replaced with new pallets, I dream about pallets and cardboard boxes..

I intened to tell you what happened to Ronnie, but Mr Marzoq contacted me (dunno how he managed to do such a thing, haven't seen him for ages and ages, and what's the chances of him reading my blog??) and said something about intellectual property, compensation and stuff. So have to sort things out with him first I'm afraid. But, have no fear, we should be able to figure something out, right Ashi?

Got nothing else to say really, except that, if you want to go to straddie next weekend, let me know before wednesday 11th.

Until next time

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Straddie Camping Trip!

What are you doing the 13 to 15th of October? Wan't to go on a camping trip to Stradbroke Island? It's pretty cool, we'll be staying at campground where there will be bbq's, toilets and showers. During the days it's swimming time, maybe doing some canoening in the ocean, going one of the lakes, or maybe sand boarding for the adventurous?

There was a bunch of us who went the last summer, and it was pretty nice. We just have to make sure we fill up the cars and it shouldnt be that expensive. And if we know how many will come we can organise food, which will make it a bit cheaper still..

Anyways, would be great if we could be a little gang going (and if Greg and/or Mel comes.. we can celebrate their birthdays!) as it will be something a little bit different and it's pretty relaxed..

And to let you know how nice it is... some photos for your viewing pleasure!

In other news: Started my labouring career today, putting boxes on pallets.. Pretty ok to do actually. Made me pretty tired though.. And tommorow it's something different, I will unpack containers.. Oh how fit I'll be when we go to Straddie!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Ronnie The Dog

It was a day, a very very cold day if my old memory isn't deserting me, when our neighbours dog, Ronnie, decided to run away. It is worth mentioning that our neighbours are Kalang, and hence need to have a dog in their house at all time as they are considered somewhat of a deity. So for our neighbours little red dog (being an Irish setter, hence the red hair.. Irish? nevermind) Ronnie, life was great most of the time, except when he had to perform miracles or face being thrown in the blue rubbish bin with orange ribbons.

Anywahs, I'm loosing track of the main event, namely, that fateful (and ver very cold) day Ronnie got fed up with being thrown in the blue rubbish bin with orange ribbons yet again...

It started out as any other day, the local Mosque woke us up at 5.37 for the morning prayer, apparently this prayer can be performed anytime between the breaking of the dawn and sunrise, but ours always started at 5.37 by some reason. But, again, this has very little or nothing, to do with our story. As usual Ronnie and the other dogs decided to join in in the prayer at around 5.38 (if you ever want a fool proof alarm clock.. try this combination!). Then, well, nothing much ever happens until people start driving of to work at around 7 (I have, many a time, tried to organise combined morning activities to no avail. I fondly rememeber my "who can collect the most honey in 10 minutes" activity... Unfortunately mr Arnesen [who ownes the bees] didn't appreciate the idea and Mrs Johansson haven't talked to me since..)

At 7.35 the school bus came to pick me and my fellow classmates up to go in to town, or at least it was supposed to get there at 7.35, it usually ended up getting there at about 7.46 (on average, the year we meassured), which was pretty ordinary when it was cold, as it was that this fateful day.

Anyways, when the bus finaly came to pick us up (at around 7.46+- 4.56 min), I could se my neighbour approaching Ronnie with that today-I-would-really-apreciate-a-miracle-and-if-you-want-your-light-and-chrispy-dog-biscuits-you-will-give-me-one look in his eye. I didn't think much about it at the time, but Ronnie this morning had a, what I can best describe as you-can-stuff-your-biscuits-somewhere-where-the-cat-won't-go-I've-had-enough kinda look. But, as I said, I wasn't thinking much about it at the time and the school bus took me away for another, ooh so exciting, day at school...

Nothing much I can say about the school day, except that I found out that aunt Lisa (our headmistress) had won on some lottery and was going of to the capital to meet som famous soap opera star.

Anyways, it was when I got home that the terrible news was revealed to me! Ronnie was missing! He had, to everyone's surprise, not performed a miracle, but instead of allowing himself to be thrown in the blue rubbish bin with the orange ribbons, he had barked (quite forecefuly att Mr Marzoq, eh, our neighbour I mean) and then jumped the white wooden fence with the funny mosquitos painted on it. And nobody had seen him since..

[To be continued]

Saturday, August 26, 2006

A Day in the Sun

So, nothing much to write about today I, again.. Well, maybe I have things to write about, but would you find it interesting? Probably not. Doesn't stop me from writing things though!

Went to the Arundel Mosque yesterday, for a little tour, never been to a Mosque before so was kinda interesting. The guy running it seemed like a nice guy and changed my view of Muslims to the better. Although going to the Mosque made me quite happy I'm a Christian, to much things to remember, like walking in to the toilet with your left (I could get these ones mixed up) foot first and saying something in Arabic, and then when you leave the toilet you have to leave with your right (unless I got these mixed up) foot first and say something else in Arabic. Same things goes for a whole lot of things.

After the little tour we went to the Arundel Pressy church and moved all their benches (called something I can't remember) so that we could place tables and chairs in their main hall. Then we went and got heaps of chinese food and got back and served a bunch of people food. And listened to Garnet talk about the 4 main Religions of the world (although part 2 of Gramy spent most of the talk sleeping...)

Then it was of to the beach for a shorty and then going home time, which was interesting as me, Trav and Mell talked about lifes hardships and stuff, speaking of Mel, I promised her I'd put up her list of characteristics for a guy, so you'll know if your the one!

#1 Ledsen, men det vore inte rätt att tala om hennes kriterier för dig, vill du veta vad hon tycker så får du ta och jobba lite!

#2 Nej, lite mer jobb än s
å måste du lägga ned.

#3 Du verkar riktigt nyfiken, om du inte inte översatt alla punkterna p
å en gång förstås.

#4 Fem myror är fler än fyra elefanter

#5 Vad ska jag skriva nu, om du är svensk och läser detta s
å är det ju inte direkt jätte intressant, men inte skrivet för dig!

Fakiren är på promenad med sin son. Plötsligt råkar pojken trampa på en spik.
Pappan blir arg och fräser: Det är konstigt med dig att du alltid ska tänka på nöjen.

#7 S
å du läser fortfarande, jag är rätt säker på att du inte kommer att få ut så där jätte mycket av dessa punkter

#8 Fast å andra sidan, om du har kanske lärt dig lite svenska, om du nu kunde det innan, då kanske den har försämrats

#9 Undrans om du gjorde det första punkterna och sedan tänkte du att du var smart och hoppade till sista punkten, otur i s
å fall.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Not a real post

An Italian, a German and an Australian football fan were arrested in
a small Arabian state when they were caught urinating on a religious
building after an all night drinking binge.
The trio have to face up to the local sultan and are dished out the
typical punishment for religious desecration - 20 lashes of the whip
to the back. But the Sultan was a big football fan so he kindly granted
them two wishes each - but they were not allowed to change the number
of lashes or the type of punishment.

The Italian says " Well we are the World Champions so I go first. I want the pleasure of a beer and a pillow.".
The Sultan grants his wishes.
With a wide grin the Italian drinks his beer and binds the pillow to his naked back.
But after 10 lashes the pillow falls apart and he has to painfully endure the remaining 10 lashes which leave deep welt marks on his back.

The German saw all this and spends a few minutes thinking before smiling. "I would like to have two pillows for my back". The Sultan thinks about the uniqueness of the wishes but decides to grant it given he has used up his two wishes in one go. However after 15 lashes of the whip both pillows have fallen apart and the German has to painfully endure the remaining 5 lashes which leave deep welt
marks on his back.
The Australian is grinning from ear to ear and mutters something under his breath about a wrong penalty.
"Ok my first wish is to double the number of lashes to 40." There is stunned silence in the hall.

The Italian, German and Sultan are a little surprised at the first wish but then remember the strong fighting performance the Aussies put up during the World Cup in Germany 2006.
The Italian and German look at each other and nod in admiration - obviously this Aussie wants to show how tough he is.

The Sultan asked the Aussie for his second wish.

(Look at the comment)

Monday, August 21, 2006

Why so many stupid ppl?

Why are there so many stupid people in this world?!! Watching the news make's me want to cry (almost, I'm not the crying or caring type.. [but starting to get somewhat caring me thinks, guess I spent to much time with Steve..], but if I was I'd cry) there are people running around blowing themselves up (and taking as many others with them as possible, would be somewhat fine if they just could blow themselves up, and not forcing their opinions on others!), then we have people being dictrators or some crap, they decide to test new weapons on their population, why not kill 100 000ppl? We have millions more.. Then we have others, that think money is the most important thing in the world and will do anything to make more money; "Hey, Africa! man, what a market.. all the eat is rice and roots and crap, let's give em some real food! (Coke and Hamburgers...), Oh, and then we have to run our cars, make our roads, make useless stuff, etc, etc with oil! And, oh, how good, oil is in some dodgey countries where they are fighting each other.. lets give em some more weapons! Then let's go there after a couple of years and try out our new weapons as well! Yeeeh!!!

MUUUUHHHH!!! That's what I think about X people in this world! Grow up!!!! Start understanding that other PEOPLE are important, not MONEY and POWER! (and your ^^&%&) It's easy if you try....

Anyways, enough whingeing about the state of the world, and to something completely different, Car washing without water! (or atleast very little water) Had to do that today, think the car haven't been wached for ages, so it kinda needed it.. But, just washing the car with a spounge and a bucket of water... well, it gathers the dirt in strings... looks very nice.. NOT! But figured out a smart way to do it, wash is with the spounge and then dry it of with a towel before it dries! Ingenious! Or you could pray for rain, tried that one.. were some clouds there for a while, and even a light light drip.. but not enough. Works with the towel though... Oh, and I vaccumed it as well, with my amazing Cyclonic Vaccum cleaner (see video..) so it's very clean inside..... eh

Anyways, another day tomorrow, which I hopefully will spend on the beach and a phone call from Skilled telling me that they want me to work for them would be pretty good as well. Oh, if your a HR manager for some engineering firm and want a graduate engineer (electronics, but can learn others..), well, I'm your man! Amazingly awesome I am, can do anything, me and McGywer are like a spounge and a soap!

That's all for me, today, and I'm looking forward to your amazing imput, that is what makes the world of blogging go around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and now I can't write anymore as I get confused...

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Quinn The Eskimo (They Mighty Quinn)

Ev'rybody's building the big ships and the boats, Some are building monuments, Others, jotting down notes, Ev'rybody's in despair,Ev'ry girl and boy But when Travinia the Eskimo gets here, Ev'rybody's gonna jump for joy. Come all without, come all within,
You'll not see nothing like the mighty Travinia.

This song has nothing to do with this post, other then inspiring me to write this post (as I had a way to start it.. oh, and... well, you probably figured it out already! (although it's a pretty crap image... last one.. unless I get some very good pictures)

I did think about something yesterday though, I had one of those (rare) thoughtful and deep insights... But of course I cannot remember it now.. probably will remember it in an hour or so, when I have finished this post..

Again, I'd like to make some advertisement fro Launchcast it is pretty good, and if your getting bored of the music your currently listening to and want to get, lots and lots, of obscure bands you have never heard about before in your favourite genre.. well it's a pretty good place to start.

Oh, if you like the idea of hitting people in the head with sticks... I'm planning to start with Kendo in a couple of weeks, if you want to come check it out with me, let me know! I'm planning to try the beginners classes out for a month, and see how it is.

And, I do have a little idea, to make things a bit interesting, if you have some cool liks, pictures or something like that.. don't hesitate to send them to me and I'll put it/them up in a magnificent post!

Until we meet in the dark, MKC

P.S Be careful when your trying to drive into government buildings so the don't have one of these...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Ekka day!

So, today is the Ekka day... Or not exactly, today is they day people working in the central area of Brisbane have their day off.. Which should be quite a few people.. And the reason for this is that they should go to the Ekka(?). When I write this two of my regular readers have spent around 3 hours or something there already, running around and doing whatever you do on a market, and they still have like 8-9 hours to go.. Anyways, me and Steve are of to check it out in a bit (although we went there for 30min or so on Monday, which I kinda thought was enough). I don't really enjoy being at a place where there's stacks of animals (and animal pooh), lots and lots of kids, lots of stalls there try their best to make you test (and usually, in my case, make a fool of yourself), people bumping in to you from everywhere and stuff. But, I may be wrong and this may be a totally wonderful experience!!!! And I sit in a corner and cry when they close.. Update will follow, watch this space!

Other news.. The BEACH is Awesome! What better way to spend a Monday then going up the coast and haning on the beach, throwing a Zocker Combo football around, and then go for lunch at one of the restaurants near by? Not many that I can think of.

Anyways, have to go and make some pancakes and then it's off to the Ekka...

Oh, btw, Mel, what about the Ronali? You forgot them in your race!

Sunday, August 13, 2006


Hey dear Blogreader

What do you think about the fact that today, it is Monday! Do you like it? Looking forward to a new week? Did you, wake up, with a big grin on your face and the though "Wheeee hooo! Another great and exciting week in my great and exciting life! Thank you God for creating me, thank you for putting me here, thank you for my friends and thank you for today!". If you did, my taking-of-the-imaginary-blue-hat-gratulations to you! If you didn't, well, though luck, and just remember, there are people worse of than you!

Like me, I have to go to the beach today....

Beach! Finally, haven't been there for ages (well, were there last Saturday, but didn't really count as it was at night and there were no getting into the water involved) and will be cool I think.

So, weekend was pretty good, Jo become and old lady, eh, no, wait, maybe not old, and, btw, she's actually having a birthday today (I believe), so Happy Real Birthday to you Jo!

Smiley finally lived up to his name... Having a picnic in the park (about 200m from Mel's house..) can be pretty fun, you never know what strange topics people bring up.. And, never call Steve a bird, unless you have a good explanation to why you call him that particular bird!

Oh, got some photos from my dear friend Kalle to! How his house/appartment and daughter looks like (and, how my dear friend Lars looks like when he's getting married), really interesting to see how a house looks like when it is finished, last time I saw it was when we were thrashing walls with sledgehammers!

Anyways people, it is now time, to get ready, and to go to do it on, eh, didn't work, tried to get as many 2 letter words in a row as I could... What I was trying to say, is, time to go and get ready for tha beach!

We are little airy creatures,
All of different voice and features.
One of us in glass is set,
One of us you’ll find in a jet;
The other you may see in tin,
And the fourth a box within.
If the fifth you should pursue,
It can never fly from you.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Not a whole lot

So, another post, and this one will have not deapth what so ever, so maybe I'll get a few comments this time? Can't say I have a lot to tell, except, that my dear friend Nathan (aka Smelly aka Smiley aka Smiz aka some other names) have joined the exclusive clubs of the non singles! Congrats to him, and, I suppose, her (don't have the copywrights to her name yet, so cant put it up)! So, that makes one less in the singles club then, not that "the singles club" exists, it doesn't, just a figure of speach, but if it did exists, well, then he would have left it, provided he'd be in it to start with, which he, of course, isn't, as it doesn't exist, nor have it ever..

Anyways, other news sees my most trusted commenter (although she claims she'll written her last post, due to some unfortunate misunderstanding, I must add) and miss Biggs are going to the little country south east of us... Seeing snow and sights I believe they are going to do, we (royal we... see, I think I'm royal! Or maybe I just have a multiple personality but am afraid to admit it, hence I revert into the "I'm royal" state...) wich them all the best and promise to miss them the last two days they are away!

I think that was all the things I could write about, withouth stretching things to much, I'll try to find a picture of sorts to put up for your enjoyment! And maybe even a riddle or a poem?

Couldn't fit this image up there...

A tribute to Smelly, no longer Smelly!

Monday, August 07, 2006

Downs and Ups

So, it's been a weekend of dissapointment and some trepiditation... Was supposed to get my english test results (big thing for my PR) on Friday, but didn't. So had to wait for it over the entire weekend.. fun fun.

Anyways, friday night starts with us celebrating Burnzys bucks party, starting with a BBQ here and then move on to play some pool... Where me and Knobby play against Steve and Justin.. And get pantsed! So there is disappointment 1 for the weekend: I'm being a wuzz and refuse to take my pants of and run around the table, instead I go home as I "need to sleep, because I have to work in the morning".

So, Saturday, we play Football against the bottom team, we win 6-1, but I don't think I have a specifcally great game... to be mild. Get a few comments from one of my team mates, disappointment 2 of the weekend: I sulk.

Saturday night, we meet outside of Amy and Debbie's (withouth them knowing we'll be there or being home), although Amy and Greg show up while were still trying to decide what to do.. Anyways, after a lot of time (oh, btw, we spent 2h or something in msn converstion before we got to a decision where to meet..) we managed come to the conclusion that we'll go to Bribie Island, via Nathan and Naomi's place (to pick up Greg) and Cabolture BP. No disappointments so far.

Then, we end up at the beach on Bribie, were all having fun, playing around with a ball and tackling each other. Then, Steve and Greg decide to prank me and Greg hides behind me and Steve pushes me back... Me falling on my back, and trying to get revenge on Steve, and try to wrestle him down.. Not the smartest move ever, so disappointment 3: Me getting really really angry and trying to wrestle Steve down (no more success, only difference I look like a complete jerk). So, instead of saying sorry to Steve for loosing it, I sulk, again! Always easier to be angry with someone else than bite the sour apple (?) and admit your the one that's an idiot... Got around to it in the end, and man it's emarrasing.. Must say sorry to everyone that was there.

Good night apart from that though!

Sunday night, making pancakes (Swedish style) after church (not using the best of frying pans) and people are trying to offer me suggestions, what to do, what equipment to use etc. And.. disappointment 4: I snap and get annoyed and tell people not to... Oh, the patience....!!!! (pancakes seamed to work out nicely in the end, in spit of my short patience)

Monday, waiting for the mail.. Will it be another disappointment? I'm somewhat worried about the writing component of my English test, pretty confident about the listening and reading parts though, and fairly confident about the speaking test.. Mail arrives and me, taken by a sense of dread, opens it and...

Fulfillment (synonym to disappointment apparently)! I get 8.5 on listening, 7 on reading, 9 on Writing and 9 on Speaking (8.5 in avg).. So, the thing I was most confident about went the worst, the thing I was most nervous about went the best... Weird, but WHO CARES!!!??? I ONLY NEEDED SIXES!!!

Anyways, with that worry out of the way, maybe I can start behaving again.

Hope your having lots of ups and not so many downs!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

vida, el universo y burbujas del jabón

So, had a job interview today, always a good thing to have, of course I didn't shine like a little star as always.. Did ok me thinks, but that is generally not good enough. Prepared a bit for this one to, tried learning Visual Basic for Applications (in one day), didn't become an expert, but atleast I had some clue of what I were doing.. But, the most important part was writing some pseudo code, and writing pseudo code is fairly easy... except that I never tend to know what I should actuall write, to focused on one language... Thing was that all I had to do was to read from two files, connect them together (person to winnings), figure out how much each person had won, if they had won more than 20k, and if all their winnings was the same (e.g. lotto, horses) and then write two files with the name, how much they won and what they won in... Now the easy, and smart way, to do this when you can pick from all and any language, is to use something like .Net's DataSet to read your files into (two tables), then make a view with some funky sql qurey that gives you what you want, and then just print it to a file, either by looping, creating a string, where you "manually" put your delimiter in the string, or using some funky function.. me, I was to focused on C.. and though using a DataSet (or database) may be cheating.. so I did loops.. probably works, but not to pretty... Anyways, such is life and you never know until you know..

Other thing, tommorrow I, most probably, will get my IELTS test... Also very very funny... Should be ok, but me and written exams doesnt go well together, I always seem to under achieve on them, may have something to do with me having no short term memory... hm, oh well, I'll guess I'll figure out how that went when I do...

So, what is happening in your life this moment in time? (from about 10 mins ago to 10 mins in the future) Anything interesting? Anything funky? Anything with very little chocolate and very much cofee?

Trying to keep this post somewhat short.. Not that it is very short, I can't write short posts, it's not in me... Oh, well, now I'll stop anyways, should go help Steve and Greg, or at least, superwise (is that spelled with a v or a w?), Steven and Greg, cook.

Oh, btw, you can now get translated into 9 different languages! Cool heh?

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Another day of survival

So another day I have survived!

And it haven't been any day either, me, joining Medibank Private on my visitors insurance (almost practicaly and stuff makes me an Australian), my (technically Mikes, but he's not here atm) car got a new CV Shaft and Boots (not sure what a car need boots for, but they mechanics now best) it also got some oil, some workshop supplies and some care! Oh, and I got two CD's, thank you Aaaalissssoooon! For your edification I'll tell you later (further down in this post) what CD's I bought, hm, I may even put a picture or two in! Then you'll already know what CD's I bought when you read this but I won't know that you know yet, as I haven't put them in yet, and I can still choose not to put them in and then you'd be all confused!

Appart from that, well, WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS! ok, it was the B division and the b final (fifth place) but we still won it and got medals! And me getting football medals don't happen very often (planning to get another on this year, just so you know, watch out Beenleigh!)

And, apparently, there are another team that call themselves "The Champions" (or something) that can't really do that anymore now can they? You need to reach a final to win something, right? I guess Mel played awesom as always though, so no blame on her (ps. this has nothing do do with me having a be nice to Mel week)

So, deciding that I should put the images of my newly acquired CD's at random places in this post, you will, off course, already know that as you have seen them, but they are not there now, kinda weird actually. I mean, I'm doing this post and I don't know that the images are there, yet, but you, who reads this post and have nothing to do with it, you know they are there and you sort of see them before I do, hmm, strange world we live in!

Упование вы будете иметь большой день!

PS: There are two new links you could check out.. pretty good ones, just have to remember what the second link is supposed to be so I can put it up there, so, if there are two new links, I did remember it, if there is only one new, I didn't

PS2: Want to draw your attention to the newly reopened that is one of my lame tries to get people to try a new way of organise things..

PS3: Oh, and check out the new SECTION (located where the old "interesting fact" section was)

Monday, July 24, 2006

mio ventisettesimo compleanno!

So, another year in my life.. Has it been good? Well, for the most part it actually has, nothing really bad has happened (always good) lots of good things has happened. I have had many many issues with many different things as always. I have finished another Master degree (hopefully my last!).. I have been in the sun, I have played Football, I have spent time with friends, I have made new friends, I have been in "love", I have stuffed up, I have done things I had never done before, I have been angry, I have been sad, I have spent my forth consecutive birthday in Australia (which, is somewhat weird as I have only been here for 31 months and 12 days [give or take a day], and last I checked that would be about 2.6 years), I have lost a loved one, I have missed a few weddings, I have made a fool of myself, I have been impressive, I have been mean, I have been nice, I have sinned, I have been forgiven, I have prayed, I have argued, I have listened, I have talked, I have written a blog, I have been responsible, I have ben irresponsible, I have been working, I have been looking for work, I have done what I should, I have not done what I should, I have written a really really long paragraph with lots and lots of commas that nobody will read as it is way to long! I have ended this very long paragraph.

Yesterday Steve organised a birthday gathering for me, that noboday said they could come to as they all had other things to do.. So, me going there thinking it would be a crowd of about 5 of us.. But it turned out Steve had told everyone to say they couldnt come, even if they could.. So.. when I got there there where, like a crowd of people there! Made me feel very special indeed!

So, All I want to say isto all of you for showing up, and a special thanks to Steve for organising it!

To wrap this little post up... here's a "Trivia for the Toilet" just for you:
In Somalia, Africa, it's been declared illegal to carry old chewing gum stuck on the tip of your nose

Hope your having a sorprendente day and all that all of you will battersi per una causa legittima!

Sunday, July 23, 2006


So, PR application have been lodged (or is it has been lodged?), anyways, lodged it is.. And $2k stolen from my account (which now gives me a total fortune of $180.. mr wealth, that's me!) and no promises at all given, except that I need to send in a lot of papers, which I think I should send in when they contact me.. but it's all confusing. Don't like this applying for VISA things, it only makes you feel like some kind of criminal and makes you nervous (and poor) for a while.. Would be so much better if you just had to go and talk to someone for a little bit and they'll say "I like you mate, welcome to Australia!", or "Sorry, chap, we don't want your kind here, p**s of to where you belong". Quick and painless, but no, insted you have to send in a billion papers and answer questions stating that your not a criminal and that you should answer everything truthfully, or else!, but at the same time you should make some judgement and stuff.. BAH! I say, Bah again! Inefficient!

About two things that worries me (at lest two thing I can see that worries me);
  1. The English test I did on Saturday.. should be ok, only need 6/9 on all 4 sections, but you never know... Thinking that unless you have some idea of what your doing you'll always thing you did OK.
  2. Two years study requirement... Got told to (byt dimia) to ask QUT if I met the requirements, they didn't have a clue (QUT that is), but as far as they were concerned I had been a full time student for all bar one semester (the last one, and out of 5) so.. Me thinks that is two years.. But will the person that handles my application think that or is there something I have missed??
Hm, maybe should add a third one.. Job.. Nah, I'll be positive.. Job won't be a problem, who wouldn't like to hire someone as amazing as I am?

Last day of my 26th year today.. Your still invited to my little birthday celebration (read previous entry for details). Although I know most of you who read this wont come as you have more important things to do *cry like a little 3 year old who got a blue bike instead of a green*

Anyways, how you'll have a day flabbergasting day (although it would be more flabbergastingly if you came to my birthday thingy)

Si la tengo, no te la doy,

y si no la tengo te la doy.

That was a spanish riddle just for you!

Friday, July 21, 2006

When the Rhinocerote caprioles

So, tomorrow is a biggish day for me... (bigish, may be the correct spelling, but looks better with two g's) .. it's of to the Sunny Coast Uni to write/listen/speak/read an english test!

Kinda important this test, as I need to get 6/9 in all of the 4 different sections (well, if I get 7,8 or 9 that is ok as well, but not below 6 in any of them), and all this just so I can get "competent" english.. which gives me 20p for my little PR application (as opposed to 15 as I have now). And, offcourse, I do sadly lack those 5 extra points and, hence, my going up early as in the morning..

Now getting up early in the morning isn't all that bad if you can go to bed early... Guess I still technically can go to bed early.. just pretty hard falling a sleep when there are lots of people having a party at my, not so amazingly sound proof, house (sound proof house... hm, wouldnt have helped much if the outher walls were soundproof as the people are mainly indoors.. but anyways!)...

Hm, there was something I intended to say.. hm, can't remember it.. So, instead, I'll tell you all that your invited to come to the Kookaburra Cafe, 280 Given Tce on Monday night at 7pm to celebrate (or mourn) my coming of the ridiculously old age of 27... If your coming you need to RSVP to Steve(eyboy) before Monday, I think, as he needs to know how many are coming.

If you cannot come.. well your very welcome to suprise me on Tuesday, nothing that stops you! Not hinting or anything, neither am I commenting on a previous posts comment made by someone.. no no, not I, why would I do such a thing?

Oh, another thing Gilligan, eh, Jill, wanted me to write about the best thing that has ever happened to me.. Been given that one a little (sorry Gill, eh Jill) and can't really figure out what "The best" thing that ever happened to me is, maybe getting born? If that is such a great thing.. maybe getting my first bike? Think you appreciated things more when you were young.. as opposed to todays kids.. they just want and want (spoken from my capaciously, prodigiously, whoppingly, vast experience on the subject)

Anyways, time for me to do something, like talking to some of the people that are here, brush my teeth, finding my earplugs I bought at the pharmacy next to Mel's, and somehow manage to fall a sleep... (not at the same time, obviously)

Have a stupendiously peachy day!

Monday, July 17, 2006

Memories and Friends

I'm getting old, or atlest my memory is getting old.. Went to watch Over the Hedge the other week.. (kinda liked it too) Had to go back there the next day and ask "have you seen a grey old Nokia mobile phone, it have an ugly (not that I think that) image of a "sheep" as screen saver", which they did (ok, theh phone was on silent so the sheep wasn't there... So I had to say the first number in the phone book (being Aaron, but didn't know that, should have figured), couldn't do that but it was ok to say any number.. managed to do that..

Then last Friday I went to watch Superman Returns (kinda not liked that one.. unless the idea with it was to make me sleepy and want to leave), and had to walk back there after two days and ask "Eh, I think I left my wallet here on Friday...", "How does it look like?", "It's black...... and it should have a drivers license in it..". Sure, they did have it there and she looked at the drivers license (probably the photo) and said "Yepp, looks like you"...

So, last two times I'v been to the movies I have forgotten something.. getting bad.. Planned to whinge about me getting old and my memory deserting me, but rememberd that I have always had a tendency to forget things everywhere.. So instead all I can say is:


But not as much as I love friends though. They are good to have (not that I tell them that very often, I'm mainly being mean and saying bad things to them), for instance, on Saturday (when my wallet was hiding in the L&F section at Southbank Ciniplex) we went Bowling (oh, I worked on Saturday morning, after sleeping 5h because I watched Superman... well spent time that, I then played football [no s-word here] against the top team of our div. Drew 1-1, but we were way good me think. Then got home, played some UFO: Aftermath [very fun game me thinks] intending to stay at home being lazy all night [That didn't happen {as usual..}]) . Anyways, Bowling.. (had dinner at Matt's place first to! [one or two o's in that?]) we happily drove away to play bowling, and offcourse I had no money, so what did my nice and loveable friends do? They made a little Matt fund, and sponsored my Bowling! (I then managed to win a beer as well [type bear first.. would have been cool, but then maybe not, beers are pretty cool.. guess bears are pretty warm? And they'r supposed to have a very bad breath])

Bowling was fun, although I lost to both Ali and Mel... But that was ok, I mean, what don't you do for your friends? Eh...

Anyways, after we had been bowling (being the last ones there [disco bowling it was as well!], for a long time) we got hungry.. So off to HJ's we went (still me being money less) and another Matt fund (Me almost teary eyed [on the inside {deep deep on the inside}] at this point)!

While eating, I get two phone calls at the same time (around 11:50pm) one from Steve, wondering where we were and if we had fun, one from Pete, sitting in his car outside his house with his keys down in NSW... So, time to go home and dust of the Air mattress and spend a couple of hours talking about lifes deep mysteries (maybe not so deep, but who knows?) with Pete (and another 5 hour sleep).

That's how weekends should be, busy busy, and spending them with your friends!

So, a big thank's to you all for making my life much more interesting than it would be if I had no friends and had to spend all my time sitting and writing on my blog without anyone ever bothering to read it because I hah no friends that knew it existed and hence went there to read something and write some comments and Trav if you happen to read this and havent run out of breath because there are no commas I know there are no commas or stops in this sentence

Oh, almost forgot, Smiley, what do you like my usage of (), [], {}, almost in your league?

Sunday, July 09, 2006

A charm of goldfinches!

So, I'm not a criminal either (at least they don't think so, they couldn't positivelly identify me as they didn't have any fingerprints) which is always good me thinks. Only thing to worry about now before I can apply for my Permanent Residency is the English test I have to do next Saturday... Have therefore stolen two books from the back of my car (Mike's car, and those books should have been given away to charity ages ago, if you happen to read this Mike, they will be, very very soon, hopefully today), they are called "English Power Book 3" and "Year 7 Spelling Activities".. Did you know you can say "a gaggle of cheese"? I didn't, so I'm learning heaps of stuff by reading these books made for 12 year olds...

Anyways, I'm also done with uni! Got my results today (not brilliant there wherent, but I can live with them), now all I have to do is getting QUT to say I'm done with my degree and I'm done with uni, forever and ever and ever, Ahem.

So, short post today, gotto go away and do some grocery shopping with Steve.. You need to eat I have figured, you also need to sleep.. Sleep.. brings me into why I haven't slept much tonight, watching the $@%@#$%$ Italians win against the Frenchies in the World Cup final.. Wonder what Matzeratti (or howerever he spells his name) told Zidane to make Zidane headbutt him in the chest... Some controversy it was in the decision to send of Zidane as well.. the 4th official watched a tv monitor and told the ref, not supposed to do that apparently.. but maybe they should start to do more of that? What do you think?

And for you not-so-interested-in-the-beautiful-game here's a question for you:
What would happen if we took the letter P and replaced it with ^.^?

Have a nice and happy day with some sunshine and lots of charming goldfinches!

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

I am an Engineer!

"I am pleased to advide that the competencies you have demonstrated taken in conjunction with your qualifications from Blekinge Institute of technology, Sweden awarded in October 2002 have been assessed as meeting the current academic requirement for standing as a Professional Engineer in Australia"
That, my friends, is a very good thing. Offcourse I was fairly confident that I was and Engineer before I got told this, but that Engineers Australia thinks the same is a very nice thing indeed. Now, all I have to do is to somehow get my police records (that I seem to have stuffed up somewhere) and do well on the english test on July 22... And I can atleast apply for Permanent Residency (and have a chance of success). Oh, almost forgot, have to get QUT to give me my results and say my degree is finished. I only need results from one unit (would be good to get from both) and I already know what I got in that unit.. but it is, by some reason, not official yet...

Anyways this is a very good thing! Me, the Professional Electronics Engineer, has spoken.

As to my dentis thing, went there this morning, with a bit of fear and trepiditation (and trembeling), got there and he looked at my mouth for a while and said something about the bone where they should put the screws in were deep enough, but it didn't look that brilliant, as it was to narrow.. So to make it look good I should do a nother bone graft. And as I look so good generally I thought my mouth deserved the same... So now I'm off to see some other dentist to talk about doing a bone graft.. More waiting! But.. this time they will put me to sleep when the do the grafting (the did this the last time they grafted as well, but not generally at the dentist), but they will also put the screws in while I sleep!!!

Gill (with a J, so not actualy Gill, but Jill, but doesn't make as much sense saying "with a J" if I spell it right, as you can see for yourself it is a J and you may get confused..) said I should talk about something positive, something that made me happy.. Kinda did with this first bit, but my next post will talk about my most favourite moment of all time! ......

God Bless and grant you some of his 5 different loves!

Monday, July 03, 2006

Post Worldcup (almost)

Hm, haven't written a new post for ages, but nobody gives me any topics! So what do I have to write about? That last week I played goalkeeper for our church's football (soccer) team and let in 6 goals in one half? Man I rocked! I was diving everywhere (witout getting to the ball), running around in the pentalty box (not where the ball was), distributing goal kicks (to where my team mates werent). In short I rock!

Appart from that, well, Worldcup is kinda over (if you don't know what Worldcup I'm talking about your not worthy of knowing!), Sweden went out, Australia went out, England went out, Spain went out, Holland went out... Basically all the team's I support a little (by different reasons) are out. Ok, there are only 4 teams left and they are all Europeean teams (Europe rock!) so I guess I could support one of them.. maybe France or Germany then.. This is all non interesting stuff though, what team I would support of the last 4 in the Football World Cup (giva away!) so I'll stop writing about it!

What else? Hm, I have about 26 days to apply for permanent residency before my visa runs out.. And ofcourse I do not have all the papers I need.... Well, 26 days is a long long time.. I mean, I'll be 27 by then... and that is pretty old so I hope that is far far away in time, I can't be that old, I mean, I just go born and stuff, can't be that long ago, surely?

Other not so interesting stuff happening in my life is that I have to go to the dentist to be drilled in (in the bone.. not in a tooth... no such wuzziness...) and then they will put two screws in there, oh, forgot they'll cut a bit in me first... this is all supposed to happen tomorrow (should have happened last wednesday but then my dentist was sick) and can't say I look forward to it at all.

Anyways, that is that, another pointless blog, this time without any pictures, proudly brought to you by!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Nothing much to write about


What have I just tried to draw?

Well, that kinda sums it up... I got nothing to write about hence I'm reduced to try and make ascii art... Terrible, I could offcourse write about the fact that I have done my last ever exam two days ago... At least I hope it is my last ever exam, will know that soon I guess.. hmm, brb, gotto check my results..... nah, not up yet, should have been up late last week according to my teacher but such is life (not the exam I did on monday.. that would be weird).

Another thing I guess I could have written about, if not my ^%$@#^%$ alarm clock (read phone) hadn't decided that it wanted to sleep in and not wake me up at 4.15 as I so kindly had requested of it, is the game between Sweden and England.. 2-2 it ended after a late goal by Henrik Larson.. (and 3 other goals as well, among other thing a cracker from Joe Cole). But as I didn't see the game, being sound asleep because of my phone being grumpy, all I write about is the goals.. Oh, and that Matt said that both teams played crap.. don't think I would have cared much about that as I would have been chewing on my jumper until the end of the game (unless I somehow knew the result from the other game).

A third thing I could write about is that I sometimes wish that God would have made us guys a little more like women in that it isn't enough to see a woman to think she is really great and I would really like to know here.... Would be good if it required a little more than that, but such is life and it only to get over it.. but man where she cute... bah!

Got a dentist appointment today, where they want me to sign some consent form... Scares me abit..

Hope you have a good day and all your wishes about smurfs and christmas trees will come true!

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


As the plagiarism/copy stuff seemed to tough a topic for most of my readers I have decided to keep it a bit lighter from now on (unless I get some though interesting topics to write about that is). So, todays posts it about Pets!

I could have written about football (soccer for the uneducated) and say that Australia pulled out a rabbit of the worn out old green and gold hat, but that would only lead me to writing about how Sweden managed a magnificent draw against 10 men Trinidad and Tobago (T&T). Now 0 - 0 against T&T is a result to be proud of! It set's up us beautifully for the game against Paraguay, they will be believing that we suck and cannot score even if they would go and have a coffee break (or fika as we would say) but Oh are they misstaken! Oh, forgot, I'm writing about pets, not football.. Rosicky seem like a brilliant addition to the squad for the Arsenal though.. eh, ok, pets!

"Are you a cat or a dog person?" is a question that people often ask's, I generally try to reply whatever I think would benefit me in the specific situation when the question is being asked, but less devious people than me may actually have an oppinion in this case and may take it seriously. So, here's a little something for you dog lovers out there..

What is generally a reason for having a dog? (except them being rather stupid and being very happy every time you get home) Generally it would be that they can protect you, if a burglar comes in they will bark and hence save your life. Cat's as we all know do no such things, unless they want to be patted and walks around the burglars legs, tripping the poor burglar. But! What would your dog do if a Bear enters your backyard? He would most probably make some whingeing noises, roll over and say "Bite me, I'm not threat to you Oh great master" a little cat on the other hand..... He would get pissed (pardon my language) off and thinking "Hey, who does this bear thing think it is? Coming into my turf!" and then chase the poor bear up into a tree, no only once but twice! And sit there and guard the bear he would as well.. Don't believe me? Take a look at the picture (you'll need to enlarge it a bit) and click on this link.

So, currently the score is:
Cat 1 - Dog 0

Btw, what do you like my newest addition to my blog? A random joke just for you (instead of an add for young campbell... got to many emails)

Friday, June 09, 2006

Plagiarism (sort of)

So, got like one topic to write about and that is Plagiarism...

What can I say about it? It get's you suspended from uni if they catch you doing it! So dont!

A more interesting topic that is sort of like plagiarism is copying stuff.. like music, movies and things like that. Have you ever done said thing? If you have, well, criminal!!!

They had this big site in Sweden (very popular and I won't give you the address) that got shut down a week or two ago. Consequently the Swedish police's website and the government website got DOSed (Denial of Service). Apparently the US government had put some preassure on the Swedish police/government to shut the site down and that was not popular at all.

The thing is though, that it took the site a couple of days to get up again, in a different country (actually a few of them for some redundancy) and all the effort spent to shut it down was wasted. Now if I were an artist och movie maker or something I would offcourse want money for the stuff I make so I would therefore be against all kinds of copying.. But, there is always a but, is making it harder to copy, shutting down sites, making stacks and stacks of people into criminals, putting out fake files with messages (Madonna) and tracking devices in them, the way to go?

I don't think so, take the Madonna example, there they put out this fake song that had the name of the real song but instead of music they got an angry Madonna telling them "What the F*** do you think your doing?!" now had I been someone that wanted to listen to a song and figure out if it would be worth buying the album... I would have said ^%#^%$ you Madonna and never bought anything of hers in my life. Now I'm not a Madonna fan and would never even go through the trouble of downloading a song of hers, but that is beside the point. So I don't think this is an especially brilliant thing to do... Unless you want to loose customers (fans?).

Neither do I think putting all this effort and money into copy protection is especially brilliant either as there will always be someone that manages to crack it and the one's that generally get hurt by it are the ones that actually go and buy the CD (or whatever it is).

And buying songs online? Well paying almost as much as you would for a CD, without getting a cd case, an actual nice looking cd or a little book with the lyrics? On top of that you can only copy the song about 3 times (depending on where you buy it from).

Why not try and find the REAL problem? The real problem is not that people copy things, it is WHY people copy things...

My theory (most probably flawed but still a theory) is that people copy because:
  1. It is cheap (can't competed with $0)
  2. It is convinient (you can get any song)
  3. They don't want to give money to the record companies (artist ok, record company bad)
  4. There are more smurfs then there are smurfettes (?)
So, in my world, the best way to go around this is to
  1. Organise some kind of organisation that may be run by all the record companies around where almost EVERY song that is or have been released is available. Now places like napster (which is a pretty good online music store) or any other onine music store, can use that DB and for every song people buy they pay a certain fee to the main company.
  2. Not putting any restrictions on the files
  3. Selling them rather cheap (better to sell many cheap than a few expensive as a famous artis will get more people on their concerts)
  4. Reward people for buying stuff (if you buy 50 songs you get something cool)
What do you guys thing about this?

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Suggest a Topic

I have been approached by some certain someones (!#:) that I should have "suggest a topic" section.. Now I think that would be very much copying nathans idea but who am I to say no? So here it is...

My Own: "Suggest a topic and there is a small (very small) chance that I may write something about it" section!

To make this a bit easier let's use this post's reply section to suggest topics (at least it makes it easer for me to figure out what to know what you suggest I write about)

I'm wondering if there should be some rules about what topics you could suggest, but I'll figure that one out later (when I get topics that are , as Sara would say, "inapropriate")

So, feel free to let your creative juices (stole that one from my lecturere) flowing and gimme some interesting topics to shed some Swedish light on!

Lift Me Up!

Hello to you bloggreader!

When you are feeling low and the world conspires against you to bring you to your knees and push your head into the gutter while laughing in your face with spit flying everywhere while your loosing your breath while reading along meaningless sentence with no commas or stops, what music do then put on?

I'm now talking about music that lifts you up and convinces you that, no matter what, you are still Gods gift to everyone on this planet!

I have two songs that I like to listen to then (both of them being by Swedish bands, but in English):
Click on the link to go view the lyrics (the Insania website is pretty crap...).

So, now when you know my "lifte me up" songs, which are yours?

Found a website with songs that "make your heart sing" although not exactly what were looking at here (as were more looking at ego building songs) still close enough and has it's place in the world...

Another site I just must share is Launchcast, pretty awesome site I think. It makes you create your own radio station.. Not working perfectly, but still quite ok. Only downside is that it is American, so most music is from the US or the big artists. But still is pretty awesome though.

Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Tickle Me!

The fact that you're a smart person who is more able to understand complex concepts than many other people are really draws people to you! But that's not the only thing. Your answers on the test indicate you're great at expressing myself and can be at my best when articulating my ideas or communicating with others. You are a calm, relaxed person who tends to take life in stride, too.

We've found that your particular combination of qualities is rare — only 3 in 10,000 people share the same general mix of traits. Those are great odds if you're trying to show a potential employer, colleague, friend, or date why you're exactly the right person for them.
Finally! After doing about 20 different tests there is one that tell's me something positive about me! Ok, this is not entierly true, tickle tests generally tells me something good, even if I do really badly on the tests. They like to encourage you I believe, but still it's a good thing! Always nice being told nice things me thinks, what do you think?

Don't really have anything interesting to write here again, well I guess it depends on who reads it though, someone may be wery interested in reading about me saying I have nothing to write about. Or just reading my rambleing.. (?) which is good, I like writing about nothing, just sitting here with my keyboard and typing whatever comes to my mind (after some censoring and spelling correction). It tend to be rather blank at times, and at other times it just flows on and on and on and... oooooooooonnnnnnnnn.. Huh, gotto find something interesting to write about! (sorry you who think nothing special is interesting, your wrong) Pringles maybe? I could tell you a story about how they came about, that they were sitting and thinking about how to make more money and make the packages more efficient.. They then looked at leafes (leaves? things that grows on trees, green things [unless its autumn]) and then they looked at chrushed leaves (looked it up in a dictionary, but liked my previous sentence..) and figured they were still leaves even though they where crushed.. Hence they thought, hm, if we crush potatoes, they will still be potatoes even when they are crushed! So they crushed potatoes and then made chips from the crushed ones! And that is how pringles as you know them came about!

So, I'll leave(s) you with that interesting piece of knowledge to go about your day with style and mozzarella flavoured pringles chips!

Monday, May 29, 2006

Lawn Mowers!

How much can I fit into a grass catcher?
Answer : The volume of most domestic grass catchers is 43 litres. Grass catchers used on Master Series models for professionals can hold 55 or 60 litres.

Now you may be wondering where I'm going with this.. Nowhere I'm afraid, had I been my dear friend Smelly, I would be telling you about some interesting thing that had happened in my life that were loosely related to lawn mowers and may or may not have some reference to how much grass you can put in a grass cathers... But I'm me and I won't do such a thing!

Instead I'll tell you about how you can spend a friday night and even show you some pictures and give you some [more or less accurate] quotes.

Steve (my housemate owning the machete) like to come up with new things, and the latest new thing he's come up with is that you invite a bunch of people over for dinner (although it generally resorts to being desert as everyone already have eaten when we get around to inviting them) and when they get here we head of to the shops. At the shops our dear invitees are given the task of buying stuff (food items that have been changed to desert items) where the names make up the entire alphabet.

Last friday we had some people who had already done this new thingy, so there had to be a new element for them.. Hence he gives me the task of writing up a bunch of things in Swedish. So I do, nothing fancy I'm just thinking about a fruitsalad and adding some basic baking stuff to the list. So when people get's here it's off to the shops (except that I'm staying back and waiting for some late come.. but those latecomers happen to see the car convoy going to the shops and decides to follow them.. leaving me waiting).

As we have a few newcomers (not done the alphabet thing before) as well as oldies (done the alphabet thing before) there are two groups, one Swedish one and one Alphabet one. Must say that the Swedish one were much more efficient than the Alphabet one (maybe due to their experience).

Then when everyting is bought it's time to head home and make something! Whatever you want! (which is a little bit of a worry for some people as they tend to prefer being told what to do [Dont worry if this happen to you, just appeal to their creativity and you'll be set, if it doesnt work, just tell them to make pancakes])

There is a lot of fun you can have making pancakes, you can make jaffa pancakes, chocolate jaffa pancakes, chocolate jaffa pancakes with plastic number on them, chocolate plastic pancakes with plastic numbers and some butterflies on them.. the list is endless!

But.. eating all this dessert stuff (we also got fruit, ice cream, chocolate, drinks, corn chips and some other stuff) is not to healty for you, and well it can be noticed in the conversations... Just take the conversation below for instance:
Jo: "What about breasts? You can make implats of drugs"
Trav: "I like breasts"
Jo: "That is good"
All these dessert can also make people do funny things like spitting when they are talking..

Anyways, hope you have been hooked on the "go to the shop and buy random food (changed to dessert) things" idea!

The facts, although interesting, are irrelevant.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Change Me!

Hello Dear blog reader!

Have you ever done a Myers-Briggs test? Or some other test that is similar to it? I have, a couple of times actually, that what you have to do when you do management subjects.. In some subjects this is THE thing, it lets you as a manager select the right people for the right job, and helps you understand why different people behave in different ways. I figured I'm an INFP, but the second time I was a ENFP (I think) and the third time I was an XNXP.. For you who don't know anything about what these letters stand for here's a little description:

  • First letter can either be E (extrovert) or I (introvert)
  • Second letter can be either N (intuitive) or S (sensing)
  • Third letter can be F (feeling) or T (thinking)
  • Fourth letter can be J (judging) or P (perceiving)
I you want to know more about it just follow this link and if you want to do a little online based one click on this link. Btw, the X is not a real letter it is just that the test coldnt figure out what type I were...

Anywas, last week in my "Understanding Leadership" unit I got told that this test isn't all that brilliant as it tended to put everything in black and white.

Example: Let's say you score 48 on the J-P scale and below 50 is J and above 50 is P (I'm just making up numbers) then the test would say that your a J and you would then be as much a J as your friend Judgoman who scored 1 on the test.. And well, let's face it your not nearly as organized as Judgoman, the guy organizes everything before he comes to some conclusion...

So, lo and behold, there is another test that is emerging, and this is called the Big Five (or Five-Factor personaility model) and this one have 5 different "Buckets" each consisting of 6 characteristics and you score on a continous scale (but the divied you into 3 things in the end anyways to make it easier).

So, I headed over to this site and spent about 40 mins or so answering 200+ questions (they do have a shorter one as well) and with some trepiditation (?) pressed the final button to get the verdict on who I am (hoping it would tell me how amazlingly great I am)...

Well, this is who I am:
  • Yore on Extraversion is average, indicating you are neither a subdued loner nor a jovial chatterbox. You enjoy time with others but also time alone.
  • Your level of Agreeableness is average, indicating some concern with others' Needs, but, generally, unwillingness to sacrifice yourself for others.
  • Your score on Conscientiousness is low, indicating you like to live for the moment and do what feels good now. Your work tends to be careless and disorganized.
  • Your score on Neuroticism is average, indicating that your level of emotional reactivity is typical of the general population. Stressful and frustrating situations are somewhat upsetting to you, but you are generally able to get over these feelings and cope with these situations.
  • Your score on Openness to Experience is low, indicating you like to think in plain and simple terms. Others describe you as down-to-earth, practical, and conservative.
This is what I thought about it:
  • Extroversion don't have any problems with really except that I told me that I wasn't very cheerful (19) but I was very gregarious (95%)....
  • Agreeableness is ok, I care about people but not as much as sometimes would be good, by some reason I'm pretty crap at coopretation (31) which is what I thought I would be good at as I much prefer working with people.
  • Concientiousness (8) this one is pretty strange got an 8 (out of a 100) in total on this.. 0 in self-efficiacy (*despair!!*) 7 in orderliness (....!!) and 0 in cautiousness... Hence I don't believe I can achieve anything, but that's ok because I don't care if I fail and I most certainly will make a big mess while Im at it...
  • Neuroticisim (62) fairly balanced on this one.. so not much to say more than that I'm rather vulnerable.. so don't hurt me!
  • Openness to Experience (27) here's where I'm thinking this test is weird, I love testing new things! Ok, it tell's me I'm rather adventurous (76) but not overly imaginative (46) neither am I very intellectual (16) and my artistic interest is amazing at 1.... Hence, I would really like doing something adventurous but don't expect me to come up with any brilliant ideas, play with any ideas and count me out if you intend to go to some art gallery....
"Meh!" I say, "Change me!" i say as well and not to forget "I am not a hamster!" I also say (although I can't understand why..)

If you read through this long as post here's a reward for you:
Dyslexic child receives present from Satan, news at seven...
This is supposed to be a religious joke, got it from this (Something for Matt?) site, but can't figure out what it says.. so let me know if you do

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

its me

This is a note from my dear friend and colleague Simon.
i smell like poo poo and pee pee yes i do yes i do!!! don't leave stuff logged on at work !!! ie. note to self
I assume this is something we all need to watch out for: forgetting to log out of things, I tend to forget to log out from msn and that is not always a good idea.. Mostly my name changes into something like "i smell like poo poo and pee pee" and it's generally by named colleague.. (hence the somewhat similar post on this blog)

Not that I'm complaining, it does keep me on my toes and I have to remember things (which for me is a rather tricky business as my memory seems to have gone on a vacation about 20 years ago and havent got back yet) which is somewhat good (that I have to remember things, not that my memory is missing).

So, let this be a warning to all of you's: "Always make sure you log out of stuff!" (or for web stuff, atlest close the browser, not just one window or a tab, but all of them).

And to Simon: I know where you letterbox lives!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Can't figure out a good enough title

So, Sweden won the World Cup in ice hockey last night! Strangely I don't feel to excited, even though they won 4-0 against the Chechs and we were the first country ever to win the world cup and the olympics the same year. I'm thinking this may have something to do with the fact that I haven't been able to watch a single game (either of the world cup or the olympics) and as such haven't had any reason for biting my nails and swearing at the referee (not that I do a lot of swearing, just a figure of speach). And for meet I seem to need to do that, getting emotianally involved requries a bit of effort for me (mostly) and some external stimuli (....)

The second article (on my favourite swedish newspaper) that caught my eye (after the hockye one) today was (freely translated): "The home, the most dangerous place for women" apparently, ladies, the place where you should be the most afraid is at home. And be especially vary of the guys you know, if you have or have had a relationship with them you should be extra vary. This is a rather serious issue (have to be serious sometime) and I cannot understand why guys would assult or try to rape their girlfriends, exgirlfriends, or friends' girlfriends, stupid.

A bit later when I were at uni (doing my "understanding leadership" unit) I learned something that may (and may not) offer one explanation as to why this is the case: When you are at home you feel safe, you feel that you can do anything, nobody sees you. so you drop your inhibitors and become the real you. And I think this is a true thing, think about yourself, when your at home do you do things that you wouldnt do if you were at someone elses place (like mine)?

Not saying that that is any excuse whatsovever for doing stupid things (like bashing someone up) only that it may be one explanation why people that seem really nice can be totally different. They are acting! Scary though, how do you know a person for real? What if I meet this amazing young lady that seems so perfect and we end up getting married and when we get home and she get's settled in the house and start to feel secure she turns out to have this obsession with hitting me in the head with cutting boards...

This post isn't working at all; can't work under preassure....

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Back in Europe..

So, last night was the Eurovision Song Contest back in Europe... Think it is possible to watch it down here somehow as well, but that would require some effort. And as I cannot say I'm overly interested in watching it that won't do (spending energy finding out how to watch the ESC that is). So I'm quite happy reading about the thing on some swedish newspapers (as always Sweden is favourites to win the contest, in Swedish news papers that is, before the contest).

But one interesting thing is that Finland won this year... and as all Finns they are very good looking (as can be seen from the picture above). If you want to listen to the song click on this link.

But a much more interesting piece of news is that Sweden won thir semi final against Canada! This is in the world cup of ice hockey for you guys who don't know. So, now were in the final.. playing agains the Chech's. We haven't won the WC since 1995... and NO ONE has won both the WC and the Olympics the same year before (we won the olympics agains those good looking finns earlier this year) so that will be interesting. Not that I can watch it down here, no no, I'm limited to watching rugby or another type of rugby or a third kind of running around with the ball and tackle eachother a bit and call it football...........!!!!!

Anyways, hope your day is full of roses and good food

Friday, May 19, 2006

Talk to me!

The meaning of this post is to figure out one of lifes great mysteries:
  • How to get people to start talking to/with me
I mean, there are many people out there that I don't know that I potentially could become very good friends with, but only if we happen to start talking to each other, but how do you get them to talk to you? Anywhere, online, at the pub, down at the corner at the place selling roasts but doesn't take efpos, at the gym, you meet people every where (oh, forgot, uni and work) but very seldom the just randomly start talking to you (and if they do they are most certanly not that deadly hot young woman that they eyes seem to have locked on to but some one wanting to get 50c for "a train ticket"). Why is this? And how to change it?

I'm already working on the problem of getting people to CONTINUE talking to you as I went and bought this book called "How to have a beautiful mind" that starts like this:

There is this beautiful woman at a cocktail party. She has flawless skin, elegant clothes and a perfect figure. Surprisingly, she seems to be much on her own. People come up to her and quickly drift away. Then there is this short, balding and mousy man. He is always surrounded by people in animated conversation with him. What is going on?
The book then goes on to say that the woman has a boring mind and the man has a beautiful mind and that is why everyone is talking to him and not here (for any long time anyways). It then says this:
But there is much more that you can do to make your mind more beautiful. That is exactly what this book is about. This book tells you what to do to make your mind more beautiful
So basically I have that part figured out (when I finished the book that is, a couple of times) so when people start talking to me they never want to stop because my mind is so amazingly beautiful (may be some flaws in this but I can't find any obvious ones)

But... there is always a but, how to get people to start talking to me? The above example confuses me a bit, people come up to this lady and start talking to her, they probably do this because she is hot. So one theory could be "Look hot and people will start talking to you". But people start talking to the balding mousy man as well, why is that? Is it because a lot of other people talks to him? Is it because his mind is so beautiful that it radiates come-talk-to-meness? Or is there something else?

I am at a loss here, so if you have any suggestions please typ a comment or two and enlighten me... oh, and if you know how to get people on msn to start talking to me as well... Maybe it is about having a beautiful symbol and a witty text?

Other news from around the world: Smileys blog is not updated today.. What is going on young Campbell running out of things to write?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


So, two posts in two days, and some great review from my dear friend Smelly, you should check out his blog if you havent (it's under the important people section). Good to have friends one must admit, only problem is that I now have some preassure on this blog being somewhat witty and interesting... Such preassure...

But today, no preassure, only sorrow and sadness.. Arsenal lost to Barcelona in the Champions League final... 2 - 1 and with 10 men for most of the game (stupid norwegian referee's), heroes they where, and Sol.. coming back and finally scoring a goal that isn't disallowed in an important game! That's when I though, hey, this may work.. Even got reinforced a little later when Eto'o hit the post (saved by Manuel). But I'm jumping ahead of myself...

4.40am.. Alarm clock rings, I probably wake up and turn it of (must have) and continue dreaming about something I thought I remembered but don't, think it was something about some doctors or stuff like that. Probably dodgey as my dreams tend to be.. so no more about that.

4.50 Poor Pete is getting tired of waiting outside our locked door (no perseverance in that young man) and start nocking on the door and ringing the door bell. So as not to get into to much trouble from my other 5 housemates I manage to get out of my dream and bed and let him in. I mean, it is the Champions League final!

4.53 Start watching the game (missed the first 7 minutes due to my dreaming..) but the game is underway!

5.03 (or there abouts) Someone (probably Ronaldhino) hits a through ball through our defence and Eto'o runs for it only to get tripped by Jens. A goal happens anyways but the ref have decided to blow for a free kick and send Jens off. Brilliant!

5.20 (something) Sol the man Campbell goes up and heads the ball in the back of the net from a free kick! After brilliant acting by Eboue.. Where up 1 - 0 with 10 men!

5.30ish Get the car and head over to Matt's place to watch the second half (let my poor housemates sleep)

Then there is the second half where we play rather nice for 30 minutes and have a few chances before ^%#^%^ Henrik Larson comes on and starts passing the ball around for Barca, set's up Eto'o in the 77th minute (although Eto'o was offside) and then he set's up Beletti in the 81st... Game over.

Conclusion: Sport is cruel, Norwegian Referees are not my favourite people in the world and Sport is generally about 90% missery, 5% Joy and 5% indifference. So why do we care??!!! But we do, oh we do...

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Opening Ceremony

I have a blog!

I have not really been planning to have a blog, but as more and more people seem to have blogs and I don't (have a nagging feeling that I have started a blog somewhere before though) I though it time to make one. My reasons for it are best left unsaid

But one reason for starting a blog today is that I actually have something to report for once.. DragonForce concert! For you (un)fortunate many that have no clue who or what Dragonforce is I can tell you that they are an english power metal band, supposedly the "fastes f***ing band in the whole f***ing world" (or something like that). Anyways, to this concert I went yesterday dressed as I am mostly: light begie pants and a light begie t-shirt. Not entierly the right clothing on a concert like this, you are supposed to wear black. Preferably black jeans and a black T-shirt with some funky image of some mythical creature on it. If you have long hair that is also a bonus.. Luckily for me I wasn't the only white sheep in the crowd, I counted a couple of others as well. Got there at about 7.30ish (gates where at 7) and found out that the actual concert didn't start until 9.. But... There was this other band, Dark Majesty, that would play before hand (from 8) so well could listen to them then. Not that they turned out to be very good, they had some skills I assume (being totally unmusically gifter myself) but they were nothing special. The lead singer tried saying the f word a couple of times to show how cool he was, but didn't really work for him. Rather loud it was as well..

Then, at 9 we had some sound guys coming on stage! They were setting up things and testing the sound out (why they bother I cannot understand) and then Dragonforce arrived at 9.15ish. And I learned a secret, the first thing to bring to a concert is not the ticket it is EAR PLUGS!!! Man it was loud (went to see Steven Curtis Chapman a few weeks ago and though that was loud, I was wrong) my poor ears felt rather violated, not just by the music either (couldn't make out much of the lyrics so no harm done there) but I could hear most of what the singer were saying.. Like: "are there any mother f***ers in here?" and you have all this people going "YEEEAAH!" and he says something like "That was pathetic, I said are there any mother f***ers in here!!??" Apparently saying the f word a whole lot in a concert decides how good it is...

Oh, when my ears couldnt handle things any more and told me to go out for a while the nice lady at the checkout called me a "something something freak" because I, stupidly, didnt know that she needed to stamp the underside of my arm..

After a few minutes of niceness to my ears it was back in again! For about the same thing for another 40 min.. lots of swearing of "Hey!"ing and stuff. Also spent a whole lot of time trying to figure out if they were playing the same song over and over again...

So my conclusion of my first and probably last power metal concert is that
1, Bring ear plugs
2 bring ear plugs
3 dress in black
4 bring ear plugs
5 be sure you like being insulted
6 bring ear plugs
7 know the exact lyrics, no way you have a clue what they are sining if not
8 bring ear plugs

So ends my first blog posting...